Pregnant My Alpha Bully’s Baby by Ariel Liza

Pregnant My Alpha Bully’s Baby by Ariel Liza

I tried. I really tried to give Pregnant My Alpha Bully’s Baby by Ariel Liza a chance. I even got as far as 10 so you know I really tried. Unfortunately, I spent every moment gnashing my teeth in frustration as almost every single line (no exaggeration) is grammatically incorrect!

I think it is safe to assume this book was initially not in English and that the author lazily just used Google translate or some such app to convert it to English and then … without proofreading it, just published it … verbatim.

For starters, the title alone is lacking in punctuation which makes it difficult to read at first glance and then my brain goes “Ah! There should be a comma after ‘pregnant’.”

That being said, I found the story flow confusing from the get-go. The main characters, Claire and Ethan, are in high school. Claire is being bullied daily by Ethan and his girlfriend Mia, not just verbally but physically as well. Claire has a boyfriend named Jake who is handsome and athletic. He protects her whenever he can but he cannot be around all the time to protect her as he has to attend his classes, too.

Claire goes home and her mom tells her to get dressed as she is expecting special guests who turn out to be her boyfriend Mason and his son Ethan (surprise!) and they announce that they are getting married TOMORROW. Mom just drops the bomb, just like that.  In the meantime, Ethan seemed to have developed an unusual attraction to Claire that he never displayed before.

After the wedding, mom tells Claire that she and Mason are leaving for a month for their honeymoon in Italy, leaving Claire and Ethan alone together at the mansion. Can you guess what happens next?  There are talks of “deeper skin” and “secret place” and “you/I just got it”.  Got what? And what happens to sexy boyfriend Jake now?

Is Claire human? Is Ethan an Alpha wolf? How about Jake? Is he an Alpha wolf, too? It is just messy.

If you can get passed the multitude of grammatical errors (which is almost the entire story, it seems) then give this a shot. I am willing to give Pregnant My Alpha Bully’s Baby by Ariel Liza maybe 5 to 10 chapters more and if the story does not improve, I am dropping this. I am praying it gets better … also that the author decides to get a copy editor, stat!


The Alpha’s Pen Pal by Allie Carstens

The Alpha’s Pen Pal by Allie Carstens

If you are looking for a story with a unique perspective, you should check out The Alpha’s Pen Pal by Allie Carstens, which tells the story of Wesley and Haven, who first meet via correspondence.

Wesley is 12 years old and his teacher tasked the class to write a letter to a pen pal (who is initially unassigned) in a class taught by her sister in a different state. He is the Alpha’s son and has 3 best friends, which includes his younger brother. Haven is 9 years old and an orphan.

Unlike Wesley, she has no friends and no stable home life as she has been moved from foster home to foster home since she was a baby. Despite their rocky start, over the next several months their friendship grew to the point where they both awaited each other’s reply letter with anticipation. And just as everything seems to be working out perfectly, something terrible happens that quickly changes the tenor of their lives.

Just my personal opinion … this story is SOOOOO GOOOOD! I’m on an emotional roller coaster and hanging on to the bars tightly! It starts off with me going “Aww, how cute!” then segues to me crying buckets. I’ve caught up to the latest chapter and now I’m in the giddy and kicking up my heels phase, or as we say in Filipino … nakakakilig!

I don’t want to give away too many details about the story but trust me, you won’t regret reading The Alpha’s Pen Pal by Allie Carstens. I am reading this on Goodnovel while my sister is reading it on Dreame. Both reading apps have free chapters for you to read so that you can decide for yourself if you want to keep on reading. Personally, I think you would want to keep reading.

I’m hoping that someday soon this beautiful story makes it to Kindle and paperback.

It All Started with a Dare by Seunpeace

It All Started with a Dare by Seunpeace

I have such mixed feelings about It All Started with a Dare by Seunpeace. For starters, let me say right now that I really want to like it. It is a young adult/teen romance, which usually means that it is fairly innocent. So far, the sexual undertones are very low, phew!

As I am reading this I can’t help but think about popular teen movies that may have served as inspiration for this story. Top of mind was 10 Things I Hate About You, a retelling of William Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew which starred Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger. There are more, I am sure, but that was the first to get stuck in my head. 🙂

Jade transferred to this school just to finish high school. She is described as nerdy, boyish, and quiet. From day 1 she gets harassed by this cheerleader, Athena. To be honest I can’t remember how it started but for most of the book, it is to warn her off Kayden, Athena’s boyfriend … which was weird since she didn’t even know who he was.

Kayden is the hot, popular boy and Athena’s boyfriend.  Early in the book he starts to show interest in Jade and seeks out ways to be close to her.  This annoyed me because he didn’t even have the delicadeza to break things off with Athena first, but whatever. My question is … what’s the catch?

So much teen drama, it’s cliche, but I did derive some enjoyment from reading it (the story is still ongoing), and while my tolerance for bad grammar and spelling is better now I must admit that it still makes me flinch … especially when it hits me in the face at just about every page. sigh

I think it is safe to assume that English is not the author’s first language but that excuse can only go so far because there are apps and websites that can already help with that.

To date, there are 66 chapters to It All Started with a Dare by Seunpeace on Goodnovel and I’m only on chapter 34 and the status is still “ongoing”. I’m trying to stay optimistic as I read this as it isn’t all that bad (if you can get past the grammar issues). If you are in the mood for some teen drama, check it out on Goodnovel.

Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate by Platinumstar

Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate by Platinumstar

Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate by Platinumstar is a wonderful “coming of age” shifter romance story between a young girl who loves all things Disney and who grows up to become the mate of the twin Alpha Kings.

Jayden and Kayden are in their late 20s when they meet Kiara “aka Kiki” Middleton, their mate. Unfortunately, she is only 9 years old and is, therefore, too young to feel the mate bond. Nevertheless, she feels strongly drawn to the twin kings who decide to find a way to keep her close so that they could be with her as she grows up. This paved the way for a wonderful friendship that will later segue into all parties realizing they are mates when Kiara turns 18.

I loved how the author did not rush through Kiara’s childhood. We, the readers, get to watch/read her grow up before our eyes and it is wonderful! It is organic and doing it this way eliminates possible questions that may have arisen about her relationship with her best friend and other people around her.

It is not until Chapter 44 that the author makes her 17, 2 weeks before her 18th birthday, so we know we are THIS CLOSE to seeing her recognize the mate bond and I have been on tenterhooks!

Pro: This story is really, really, really good! Con: The author has not updated this story for quite some time. Admittedly, it only really bothers me because I zoomed through the chapters in less than 2 days … that’s how good the story is! I understand, though, that aside from having several books to update, Author Platinumstar does have a life outside of writing. Whether we like it or not, we just need to accept our beloved author is human, as are we, and can only do so much while maintaining her health and relationships with people outside of the literary world.

I am truly lovin’ Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate by Platinumstar and I look forward to receiving an alert on a story update on Goodnovel. If you guys are looking for something different and refreshing, do check this story out! I highly recommend it. The innocence of the story is so wonderfully refreshing.

Single Dad’s Surrogate by Krista Lakes

Single Dad’s Surrogate by Krista Lakes

Single Dad’s Surrogate by Krista Lakes is a book I encountered when checking out the books on sale during Goodnovel’s 3rd birthday bash. Money (and Goodnovel coins) well-spent!

Wyatt is a widower. His wife, Caroline passed away a year ago from cancer. When they were newly wed they discovered that because of her cancer treatment, Caroline would not be able to have a child. Thus Caroline and Wyatt decided to go for surrogacy.

Lily is the surrogate they chose 5 years ago. Her one condition to agree was that she be allowed to remain in the child’s life and they agreed immediately. In all that time she was loved and treated like family. Maggie, their daughter, even calls her Aunt Wiwee.

Wyatt’s housekeeper, Mildred is leaving for vacation for 10 days. Because he knows how much his daughter, Maggie, loves Lily he came up with the idea of asking her to be Maggie’s temporary nanny while Mildred is not around. With pay, of course. He even offered to add $100 compensation to each of Lily’s workmates who will cover her shift at the coffee shop.

Lily loves Maggie with all her heart and would have done it for free if not for the bills she still needed to settle. She immediately agreed and made arrangements at work.  It didn’t hurt that she would get to feast her eyes on the object of her affection and the star of her wet dreams.

What I love about this story is that it is so organic … it is believable and possible. It does not feel forced. The fact that Wyatt is a billionaire is incidental even. The mansion, the private playground, the pool, the Lamborghini, etc. are just indicators of his wealth. He could have been a fairly well-off man living in a condo and the story would have still unfolded the same way.

There is no great conflict in the story other than the ghost of Caroline … only as this prevented Wyatt and Lily from getting together sooner because of guilt. It wasn’t until they both felt that Caroline would be okay with them being in a relationship that they are even able to be together.

I mentioned that I found this book on Goodnovel. Happily, it is also on Amazon, so those of you who don’t want to pay per chapter can get it there for 4.99. Strangely, when I checked Goodreads for this book it turned up but appears under a different author! Same title, the same preview, and the same book cover. In Goodreads, Single Dad’s Surrogate is credited to Cassandra Zara and Annie Young. So who is the real author?

Nevertheless, I have a feeling you will enjoy this book as much as I have. Do check it out!

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