The Alpha’s Human Surrogate by Nina GoGo

The Alpha’s Human Surrogate by Nina GoGo

I discovered The Alpha’s Human Surrogate by Nina GoGo on the Goodnovel app when I was offered some books to read for free within 24 hours. Of all the stories I was offered, I chose this one because the blurb was the one written in the best English … which should tell you something about the rest, lol!

The blurb says this:

“Now, let’s discuss sexual experience,” he says, his tone matter-of-fact. “It’s essential for me to understand your level of comfort and any potential concerns in that aspect.”

I feel my cheeks flush, the topic leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. I take a moment to gather my thoughts before responding honestly, “I… I have not had previous experiences, but I am willing to learn. And… and I can assure you that I am absolutely clean.”

Alexander’s gaze softens, and he almost seems surprised. But he eventually gives a soft laugh as he says, “I understand. Moreover, you still need to go through some tests to ensure that it is a smooth process.”


Hi, I’m Sophia, an ordinary college student. I have a happy family and two handsome roommates, but because of an accident, I had to secretly become a surrogate mother in order to pay for my father’s enormous medical expenses. What I don’t know is that the intended father, a polite and distinguished 34-year-old man, is the most influential and mysterious figure in the city. And what is beyond my control is when I give birth, I’m shocked to discover that my twin babies have wolf ears!

Note: I formatted it for readability. The original blurb is just one loooooong paragraph.

As the story begins I marvel at how little I would have to edit if I was her copy editor. There were still hiccups, but I anticipated that and could forgive it so long as the author does not make huge, repetitive errors like mixing up genders, tenses, figures of speech. It was going fine until I saw BIG holes in her writing that are usually an indication of inattention …

She does not keep track of her characters!

I’ve mentioned this before, I have a cinematic brain. This means that when I read I see the scene unfold in my head. So you can imagine my confusion when characters seemingly teleport from one location to the next and back. She also seems to take for granted how time works. In addition, she forgets what she said before about her characters.

  • It takes several weeks for her to manifest pregnancy symptoms.
  • A few weeks into gestation she can feel the baby kick.
  • Alexander never enlightened Sophia that he was a werewolf and didn’t prepare her for giving birth 4 months from conception.
  • The children are 1 year old and are already bigger than toddlers as they are walking and talking like 5 year olds.
  • Alexander starts off a rich man in a luxury sedan who lives in a mansion to being some rich guy living in a corporate estate to again living in a mansion.
  • Jake and Tyler are described as platonic guy friends who occasionally bring home their dates (and are at it all night) to suddenly having feelings for Sophia.

Author, make up your mind! And keep track of your story!

As an editor, let me tell you, those holes are difficult to plug as it means a rewrite. But as a reader, if I am in a forgiving mood, I can still enjoy it and just laugh at the author’s faux pas.  I just pretend to myself that Alexander is actually Nightcrawler or maybe knows astral projection. 😛

I’ve read around 27 chapters already and I don’t even know if I want to call this book a romance, although it is.  The romance aspect is very subtle but is implied. I have yet to encounter any steam but, who knows, maybe there will be some later in the book.

If you think this is a story you could get into or would like to try, The Alpha’s Human Surrogate by Nina GoGo is available on the Goodnovel app.


You Are Mine, Omega by AlisTae

You Are Mine, Omega by AlisTae

I came across You Are Mine, Omega by AlisTae on Goodnovel and decided to give it a chance because I was curious about what was so special with this omega that an alpha or two would be desperate to claim her. In most stories, omegas are treated with disdain or indifference.

Allison is the Beta’s daughter, but instead of having Beta blood, she is (apparently) an omega. She likes to keep things low-key so no one in school knows who she is except for the alpha’s son, Ethan, who she has had a crush on for a long time. Because of this, she gets bullied, but she ignores it.

On her 18th birthday, she discovers that Ethan is her mate, but he rejects her.  In the meantime, Ryan, Ethan’s brother, is constantly in the picture and seemingly into her without saying anything.

But at the same time, he also alternately pays her attention and then ignores her completely.  I swear it is causing whiplash.

Because the rejection almost killed Allison, she is unsure about how she feels for Ethan. However, she is also confused about how her body reacts when Ryan is near.  Does anyone else think that Ryan is her second-chance mate?

The story has potential but needs a lot of editing, not just grammatically but also for consistency.  The author tends to be repetitive, perhaps to emphasize a point. Instead, it appears that the author didn’t proofread before posting.

That I think is unfair to the readers who are paying per chapter, especially when we consider that most of these authors who post on reading apps are keeping track of their word count, and I’ve noticed that quite a few would write the bare minimum to publish a chapter as scheduled.

That being said, The story is engaging enough for me to say, “Go ahead and give it a gander,” but with a warning label that says, “Proceed with caution. It may inflame you, lol!”

It is still an ongoing story, a quick read, and not too much drama. You may enjoy it. You can find You Are Mine, Omega by AlisTae on Goodnovel.

The Arena by Cooper

The Arena by Cooper

The Arena by Cooper was a change of pace for me. For the longest time, I have been reading shifter stories with werewolves and lycans as the main characters. The Arena brings into play many different types of shifters such as lions, a Bengal tiger, a polar bear, and kestrels. The main characters, however, are Cedric (the last Lycan) and Tana (the last Elemental Fire Dragon).

The last of their kind

For many years, humans have hunted and killed supernaturals (or supes) out of fear. But something changed recently. For the past year )at least), supes have been hunted and captured. Why? For entertainment! They were imprisoned, starved, and then forced to fight to the death against other supes gladiator-style in the Arena. This is while being in their human form and unable to shift.

In the world, only 4 dragons remain, one for each element – earth, air, water, and fire. Tana is the last fire dragon. Her family chose to kill themselves rather than be captured by humans.

His pack was attacked on the day of Cedric’s ascension to Alpha of Alphas. His parents were killed while he and many of his pack members were captured and sent to the arena.

The Arena is where Tana and Cedric meet. They have been fighting in the Arena for about a year … which proves that they are very good fighters as they have not lost once. The hunters think Cedric is an Alpha werewolf. Cedric thinks Tana is an Alpha werewolf as well, and she has not taken the time to enlighten him otherwise. Cedric also thinks that Tana might be his mate but can’t be sure because of the suppressants the hunters have been given them to prevent them from shifting.


I thought that seeing how the mate bond manifests for different kinds of shifters is interesting and it made sense that it wasn’t quite the same thing for dragons. A major difference is that simply biting or getting bitten is not enough. Dragons need to be claimed.

When Cedric and Tana finally get together and he bites her, he finally realizes that she isn’t an Alpha werewolf but something else altogether that is probably even more powerful.  In his confusion he leaves her, presumably to work things out in his head. Unfortunately, Tana took this as a rejection and left with a broken heart.

This becomes the turning point for everything that happens in the rest of the story.

The Review

I have what I like to call a “cinematic brain”. It means that when I read I can picture what is happening in my head and, often, the words actually disappear and I am reading the book as if I were watching a movie. This translates to if the movie in my head is bad or subpar I figuratively walk out of the theater.
Cooper describes scenes in The Arena so vividly I find myself living in the story.  I would put her in the same league as Chris Columbus and Peter Jackson if she were a film director.  Yes, that is how gorgeous the scenes play in my head. While prone to not using the Oxford comma (hyuk!), Cooper skillfully manages to keep me so engaged that I find myself savoring all the pages, rather than flying through the book as I usually do. I spent more time reading, not because it was a struggle, but because I would rewind to see a scene more clearly.
I would classify The Arena by Cooper as a fantasy/adventure/romance and at that, I would say it is more fantasy than romance. Yes, steamy scenes can get pretty steamy, but possibly 90% of the story has nothing to do with sex … which I thought was masterful! This opens up the audience of this book to more than just thirsty women.
If a fantasy story with dragons, lycans, werewolves, etc. is something you are interested in, you may want to check out The Arena by Cooper on the Goodnovel app. This is a story I highly recommend and eagerly await on Amazon.
My Professor Is My Alpha Mate by Caroline Above Story

My Professor Is My Alpha Mate by Caroline Above Story

I’ve reviewed a story by Caroline Above Story before and I enjoyed the book (which is still ongoing) so I thought I would give another one of her stories a shot. I scanned through her books on Goodnovel and stopped on My Professor Is My Alpha Mate by Caroline Above Story. “Taboo” romances are often interesting if written properly and I was curious to see just how taboo this story would be.

The book begins with Lila turning 18 soon but already in college/university (yep, a smart egg) and an art student. When she catches her boyfriend in a liplock with another woman, she turns to the nearest male and kisses him, not realizing that the person she kissed was a teacher. Oh, boy!

Enzo is the youngest Alpha (in his early 20s) and was tasked by the council to teach combat in the shifter school. When Lila kissed him randomly in the corridor, he didn’t react or kiss her back. His expression remained stoic but inside he was shocked.

Lila decides to switch classes to one her cheating boyfriend is not a part of and discovers that she kissed the professor. Talk about embarrassing! It isn’t until a few days later when she turns 18 that they discover they are mates. Enzo has a lot of things going on and while he acknowledged the mate bond he was not willing to claim her. Interestingly, he was not rejecting her either! Poor Lila. I honestly wished at first that she would just reject him.

But things are not as simple as that. There are so many things that are getting in the way … pack issues, uncontrolled powers, friends with issues to resolve, “mortal enemies”, and thirsty she-wolves lusting after Enzo.

Their romance is frustrating as it is a slow burn but I still feel compelled to read the new chapters as they come out, lol! Are there spelling and grammar issues? A few, such as not always remembering how things are spelled (is it MONRO or MONSTRO?) which is frustrating but I choose to just read it however I want to and move forward as there are more interesting things happening anyway.

So far, I am enjoying My Professor Is My Alpha Mate by Caroline Above Story. Classification: light reading, slow burn.

Mated to the Gay Alpha by Blessing Ezekiel

Mated to the Gay Alpha by Blessing Ezekiel

I have read my share of stories with confusing titles and premises but I must admit, Mated to the Gay Alpha by Blessing Ezekiel, so far is the most confusing of them all. The main character is Catherine (or Cathy), a human girl. At the beginning of the story, we see her leaving her home to visit her sick aunt. The author goes out of his way to say that Cathy is a nurse so I assumed she was going there to take care of her sick aunt. Instead, she is tasked to help her aunt by assisting her in the mansion as a line cook. What a waste of her talent! It would have made more sense if the author said she was a chef.

Then we have the identical Alpha twins, Darin and Darwin, who are gay and fully mated to Elliot, their Beta’s nephew. A twist in the plot, Derick, Darwin’s wolf, scents the air and discovers that Cathy is his second mate and for some reason, while he isn’t repelled by Elliot, he also isn’t attracted to him anymore. Darin, on the other hand, finds himself quite attracted to Cathy, despite his wolf, Eric, having no feelings for her and constantly reminding him that Elliot is his mate.

Darwin thinks his wolf is bespelled and accuses Cathy of witchcraft. Cathy has no idea what is happening. And Darin is fascinated by her. Darin decides to interact with Cathy by impersonating Darwin, partly to get information that he wouldn’t be privy to otherwise, but later because he just couldn’t help himself.

Things get complicated when they succumb to their physical attraction with him still pretending to be Darwin. Then Darwin also succumbs and unintentionally Cathy ends up involved with both thinking they were the same person. To put it simply, our characters are confused and we are confused. Are they gay? What is wrong with Elliot? He’s been hostile towards Cathy from the get-go. Is he truly their mate or was their witchcraft involved? Is Cathy actually mates to both of them? What about Lucas?

The story has potential, that much I can assure you, but it also needs a lot of work. The author keeps interchanging names, gets pronouns wrong, and is fond of using idiomatic expressions but uses the wrong one almost all the time. sigh In addition, the way the erotic scenes are written is not really as steamy as I thought they would be, especially the M2M scenes that came with a trigger warning. The way they were written was actually quite juvenile which leads me to believe the author is young and has little or no experience. That being said, experience is gained through practice so do research and keep writing.

This is currently an ongoing story and has 41 chapters to date. I’m on chapter 41 so you know I haven’t given up on it. I am still waiting for clarity and crossing my fingers that it will happen. You can find Mated to the Gay Alpha by Blessing Ezekiel on Goodnovel.

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