Rise to Ultimate Power: The Great Awesome Power System by Strange Pen

Rise to Ultimate Power: The Great Awesome Power System by Strange Pen

I don’t know how it happened but Rise to Ultimate Power: The Great Awesome Power System by Strange Pen was recommended to me by Goodnovel and out of curiosity I opened it and started reading. It isn’t the usual kind of story I read on Goodnovel but when I checked “About the Book” I saw that it was just 74 chapters (so far) so decided to give it a shot.

Quick backgrounder, Harvey is poor and because of it, his peers ridicule him and his girlfriend dumped him for her ex who had more money than he. Not too long after he hears a voice in his head that tells him he has a windfall of several million and it tells him to complete tasks to receive rewards.

This voice in his head is called The System. How it got in his head is not explained. The way The System seems to work is through a rewards system where he does tasks and is given different things. Sometimes it is more money, company shares, and even skills he never had before. It almost gives me that Matrix feel, without having to choose between the red or blue pill.

So far I am 19 chapters in and all he has done is good. He helped his family and the police. I’m invested in the story because I’m curious about just how much he will level up. A love interest would be incidental, as far as I am concerned.

It is not a romance. At least, it hasn’t been 19 chapters in. I would probably classify it as a “coming of age” kinda story even though Goodnovel classified it as “system”.

Here I am posting this review and, of course, I intend to share the link to the story on Goodnovel where I am reading it. The funny thing is … when I try to search for the book using the search feature it says the book does not exist! It is already in my library but it is not searchable. Also, for some reason, the book is currently being promoted.

This does not compute. How am I reading the book and where is my payment going if it does not exist?

If you are unable to find the book on Goodnovel, you can also read it on Meganovel. Interestingly, when I opened the book cover on Meganovel on another tab, the favicon indicates that it is pointing to an image hosted in the Goodnovel server. Are Goodnovel and Meganovel related perhaps? Curiouser and curiouser!

Side comment/s:

  • I find the title very juvenile. the first part made sense, but the second part … it made me think that the author is probably a teenager
  • The book cover is also very juvenile and does not really match the way the character is portrayed in the story. It is hard to believe that that boy on the cover is 19.
  • The author cannot make up his/her/their mind if the main character’s name is Harvey or Melvin. Sometimes his last name is Weinstein and other times it is Reed.
  • The author keeps messing up his/her/their pronouns.
  • Often the author uses a term that does not make sense, but probably closely resembles the word he/she/they want to use. As the reader, you should be able to grasp it in context.
The Revenge of a Rejected Mate by Pure Ink

The Revenge of a Rejected Mate by Pure Ink

I have not given up hope on The Revenge of a Rejected Mate by Pure Ink because the story has a lot of potential. However, 48 chapters in, and, as a copy editor, I am getting more and more frustrated as I read on because it does not seem as though the author is keeping track of what he/she/they have previously said. At times, in the middle of the chapter, character names change or the story goes in a different direction.

Sometimes it takes too long to get to a critical point and other times it feels like we are suddenly just there and the journey was skipped and the characters moved forward several chapters without letting us know. In addition, there are just too many antagonists and the characters are weak.

Kaden, the Lycan King, is indecisive when it comes to Audrey and he seems to have difficulty compartmentalizing. Despite being supposedly mated and in love with Audrey, he still has a mistress, Shantel, who he supposedly got pregnant with. He is also constantly seeking advice from his Beta, Adler, about all things, including his love life.

Audrey is an Alpha’s daughter and an Omega who became a slave. For most of the book starting from chapter 1, she has suffered many hardships, both physical and emotional. As we progress we see her manifesting un-wolflike abilities such as telekinesis, prophetic dreams, and her hands glow. Every time something unusual happens to her she runs to Kaden to tell him about it and something unforeseen always happens.

The Revenge of a Rejected Mate by Pure Ink is on Goodnovel so it is pay-per-chapter. I have to ask myself, if I am wasting my money or if I should read on and give this a chance since, with editing, it has the potential to be really good. If the author gets a chance to read this review, I hope they consider asking me to be their copy editor. Together we can make this better.

Me, My Mate, and His Human Girlfriend by Annietroup1

Me, My Mate, and His Human Girlfriend by Annietroup1

I opened Me, My Mate, and His Human Girlfriend by Annietroup1 on Goodnovel despite heavy reservations just to give the author a chance. From the title, I was assuming this is either a rejection story or a menage. Early heads up, it is (apparently) neither.

I like giving new stories and authors I encounter a chance. I actually recall adding this book to my library a while back but never got around to properly reading it because the first chapter did not engage me.  To be honest, usually if the first chapter bombs, there is very little hope for me to like the succeeding chapters any better. To give the author the benefit of the doubt I decided to revisit it and read on.

First, the premise … Amanda (Mandy) is 19 and this is her 3rd year looking for her mate so she was not optimistic. At the party, she discovers that her mate is Alpha Mason and she immediately “nods her head no” (this tells me the author is Asian because in other cultures a nod means yes). It is common knowledge that Mason has a human girlfriend of long-standing (10 years) and has openly stated that he would not be leaving her for his mate.

Despite that, he still insists on taking her back to his pack. She rejects him but he does not reject her back saying that doing so will make him weak. In addition, he hides her away in the east wing of his house, isolated from everyone, and goes on with his life as if she was not there. The only change being he visits her every night to talk to her since his wolf insists.

In the meantime, he still maintains a physical relationship with his girlfriend every night which causes Mandy excruciating pain, needing the intervention of the pack doctor every night. Mandy is angry, infuriated even. After a bout of violence (against any object in her sight) she slowly degenerates.  it takes her FIVE YEARS OF SUFFERING to finally decide to just end her life.

FIVE FUCKING YEARS!!! She allowed Mason to hurt her intentionally every day and it took her FIVE YEARS to realize that killing herself was the best thing to do since she can’t get help from anyone else. And when she does and is spotted by the doctor who then rushes to the hospital bleeding that is the only time that Mason realizes what a dickhead he is … after he intentionally (and I mean, told her to her face that was exactly what he was going to do) hurt her by having sex with his human girlfriend that entire time.

It takes Mandy almost dying for him to decide to dump his girlfriend of 15 years now to be with his mate. WHERE IS HIS BACKBONE?!? If he truly loved his girlfriend that much he should have rejected Mandy from the start and marked the human, not made Mandy suffer for FIVE FUCKING YEARS! If he believed that the Moon Goddess knew best then he should have done that mind wipe thing to the human and be with Mandy from day 1 of finding her.

So far, I have read all the free chapters and bought a few (I am now on chapter 9) and I am most definitely NOT liking this story. Both male and female lead characters are idiots and their story should not be told. Also, I am unhappy with the author’s grammar. Girl, hire a copy editor, PLEASE! Stat!

If despite my thumbs-down review you are still curious and want to get tortured for yourself (hyuk!) you can find Me, My Mate, and His Human Girlfriend by Annietroup1 on Wattpad and Goodnovel. Fyi, I rarely give an outright thumbs down so this should tell you how much this book angered me.

Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story

Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story

I encountered Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story on iReader when I was looking for something new to read (as if I don’t have any books I am in the middle of already, lol!) as a palate cleanser. I paused on this mostly because I was curious about how the FLC could be a surrogate for a werewolf, assuming she is human. Did she know he was a werewolf? In this story are werewolves and humans even genetically compatible?

Betrayed by her boyfriend physically and emotionally, Ella goes to the fertility clinic where her sister works to help her get pregnant. A mess-up at the clinic ended up with Ella being inseminated with Alpha Dominic Sinclair’s sperm instead of the handsome surgeon she chose from the file. And the story only gets better from there.

After reading all the free chapters, iReader charges 180 coins per chapter and I wasn’t willing to spend that so I tried to see if this story is on Goodnovel, and to my delight, it is! I spend over 352 coins to read 10 chapters and I look at how much more I will need to spend to catch up on all the chapters and its equivalent would be something like $24.99! Whoa! So I took a leap and checked Amazon. Lo and behold, the story is there but in two parts (so far) at $5.99 apiece. Doing the math, buying the e-book on Amazon still made more economic sense so I took the leap and bought the 2 books.

In hindsight, I should have just started on Amazon after the free chapters. I have no regrets. This is a wonderful story and worth the money I spent on it on Amazon. I’m only on Chapter 41 but I have a funny feeling that Ella is actually a werewolf but her wolf is suppressed. I can’t wait to know if I guessed right!

Caroline Above Story apologizes in her author’s description for her faulty English since she is Asian but, to be honest, her English is better than what I’ve seen from many authors who are native English speakers. Either her English really is better or she has a good copy editor.

If human-werewolf love stories are your thing, you can find Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story on iReader, Goodnovel, and Amazon. Sadly (for me) it isn’t on KU but if the story is good, it is worth spending the coin on.

Defying Pack Law by Eve Langlais

Defying Pack Law by Eve Langlais

Try searching for Ever Langlais online and you will be surprised at how many books she has already written about so many different types of creatures. My comfort zone, though, is with Lycans and werewolves. Defying Pack Law by Eve Langlais is the book that introduced me to her world and will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Imagine a society where the males outnumber the females and polyamory is the norm rather than a “deviant relationship”. Whether the female likes it or not, she is forced to mate with more than one male. Our girl, Dana, was in love with Nathan who from the beginning knew how she felt about polyamory. Initially, he agreed to be her only mate but when push comes to shove, he felt bound to follow the dictates of the elders and would end up betraying her.

In her horror and outrage, Dana leaves and goes into hiding for many years. Nathan, now the Alpha, finds her and truly regrets what he did. Now he is more than ready to be her only mate. Unfortunately, news flash, Dana now says she wants many mates and points at his friends, John and Kody, to be her other two mates.

It’s messed up! Does she really want them as her mates or is her goal just to hurt Nathan?

What I like about this story is that we, the readers, are given an up close and personal peep into how Nathan, John, and Kody feel, too. We know how all three are quite attracted to Dana. We know that Nathan does not want to share. And we know his guilt over the years. At the same time, we see how Dana’s feelings change from resentment and rebellion to actually wanting to be with all of them.

Seriously, though, I think what I like about this book is that Dana is in control of where the relationship would go. In most stories, women do not always have that control.

And this book is just the beginning! There are four books in the series. Thankfully, Defying Pack Law by Eve Langlais is a standalone story so we won’t be left hanging at the end. If this book interests you, you can find it on Goodnovel and at Amazon. My personal preference is Amazon where you can get the book in several formats.

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