When I read Begin Again by Val Sims it was initially a palette cleanser. While I enjoy reading about werewolves and reverse harems, sometimes, it is good to change things up and read something different.

Begin Again popped up in the list of books that give bonus coins for reading 3 chapters. I looked at the preview and said, “Sure, why not.” Eden is jilted a month before her wedding has a one-night stand with a billionaire then leaves him before he wakes. Later she finds herself pregnant but hesitates in contacting him because she thinks he is getting married.

Liam Anderson has a reputation for only being with a woman for 3-months. After his one-night stand with Eden, something surprising happened … he couldn’t get it up! Somehow, she broke him! He desperately searches for her but since they didn’t even exchange names, he had no idea where to find her.

Eden returns two years later clueless about Liam’s dilemma and with a secret of her own to protect. The story gets more interesting as it progresses and I found myself buying coins and wishing for sudden discounts just so I could finish the story.

Eden is a stubborn angel, but then she is a protective mother so I get that. Liam is arrogant and scared so his mishaps, while funny, were predictable. It helped Liam that at his first sighting of Eden, he felt a response in his pants.

Their love for each other is so obvious to everyone else but each other that it is almost painful to read … but I couldn’t stop! I had to know how they would resolve things. Look for Begin Again by Val Sims on Goodnovel. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 🙂

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