Alpha’s Hidden Obsession by Misha K

Alpha’s Hidden Obsession by Misha K

Lately, Alpha’s Hidden Obsession by Misha K keeps getting recommended to me when I open iReader so I thought, “Sure, let’s give it a try”. From the title, I knew it had to do with shifters, werewolves specifically, and that there was an obsessed alpha in it.

The main character in this story is Poppy who has been tortured for years by her Alpha grandfather because she was wolfless. She scented her mate and when she followed the scent it led her to Nash, an Alpha heir for another pack. Unfortunately, he was in the middle of a sexual encounter with Cynthia at the time and he decides to reject her in favor of Cynthia, his chosen mate.

Poppy is then sent to Umbra Academy where she fears she will be killed as it has the reputation of being a tough/savage school where few survive. There she meets Damon, the biggest baddest Alpha in the school.

Damon is betrothed to Monica and yet for some inexplicable reason, he finds himself drawn to Poppy. It takes him a while but he realizes that she is his mate and he does everything he can to resist.

Interestingly, while Poppy felt the mate bond with Nash, she could not even sense it with Damon. Why? She is, however, extremely attracted to him but fighting it herself. As far as she was concerned, Damon was bad news.

Story development and character development are good. It’s not a sex romp or bogged down with so many minutiae. However, the book does need editing as there are too many times when the wrong word (homonym) is used or an incorrect turn of phrase/idiomatic expression was written in.

The most glaring example is when the author says that Poppy is “in heats” or “her heats”. I thought it was a typo at first but since she is consistent in using that term it tells me that the author thinks that “in heats” is the correct term.

It isn’t. A she-wolf goes into HEAT (singular) or she is IN HEAT.

That being said, I am 37% into the story and it is going well. I am loving how possessive Damon is being and how he actually came out and told her how he feels for her. Now that Nash is back in the picture, I am interested to find out how it will play out. It’s good enough that I am buying coins just so I can read the whole book.

I think Alpha’s Hidden Obsession by Misha K is good enough to publish … just get a copy editor first to clean it up. You can find this jewel of a story on the iReader app.

Alpha Swap by Cooper

Alpha Swap by Cooper

Alpha Swap by Cooper is an amazing story. Think of it as Freaky Friday meets Groundhog Day. Your childhood is seriously deprived if you don’t get those pop culture references.

Tereshan is the Alpha of the pack and Claire is an Omega of the same pack. Tereshan is a douchebag (to put it mildly) and hardly anyone in his pack is happy. Claire is one of those people that is just greatly loved by all she encounters … she is a loving soul. They share a birthday and on their 18th birthday, they discover that they are mates. Tereshan decides to have sex with Claire and then immediately after he rejects her. His reason … he does not want a weak Omega for a mate … and things decline from there.

A year later something happens and Tereshan and Claire wake up in each other’s body and it is their 18th birthday once again.  What?!? What a twist! Things should be very different with Claire in charge now, right? And it does!

I don’t want to give away too much as it would be better if you read it yourself. Alpha Swap by Cooper is available on iReader (not Goodnovel, huhu) which makes me sad because it is hella expensive at iReader! Each chapter is 180 coins. This book is so good that before I knew it I already spent more than $50 on it … it’s that good! That is my budget for Goodnovel for 1 to 2 months!

If you are NOT a voracious reader, as I am, you may not have to spend so much … just use the daily vouchers and the reading and ad vouchers. Sadly, for me, I just HAVE to know what happens next so … spend, spend, spend. Sigh! Thankfully, the story is really good, so I don’t regret the purchase as much … until I think about how many books I could have bought on Kindle with that amount.

This story deserves to be translated into film, I swear! Read Alpha Swap by Cooper on iReader today! You won’t regret it!

Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story

Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story

I encountered Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story on iReader when I was looking for something new to read (as if I don’t have any books I am in the middle of already, lol!) as a palate cleanser. I paused on this mostly because I was curious about how the FLC could be a surrogate for a werewolf, assuming she is human. Did she know he was a werewolf? In this story are werewolves and humans even genetically compatible?

Betrayed by her boyfriend physically and emotionally, Ella goes to the fertility clinic where her sister works to help her get pregnant. A mess-up at the clinic ended up with Ella being inseminated with Alpha Dominic Sinclair’s sperm instead of the handsome surgeon she chose from the file. And the story only gets better from there.

After reading all the free chapters, iReader charges 180 coins per chapter and I wasn’t willing to spend that so I tried to see if this story is on Goodnovel, and to my delight, it is! I spend over 352 coins to read 10 chapters and I look at how much more I will need to spend to catch up on all the chapters and its equivalent would be something like $24.99! Whoa! So I took a leap and checked Amazon. Lo and behold, the story is there but in two parts (so far) at $5.99 apiece. Doing the math, buying the e-book on Amazon still made more economic sense so I took the leap and bought the 2 books.

In hindsight, I should have just started on Amazon after the free chapters. I have no regrets. This is a wonderful story and worth the money I spent on it on Amazon. I’m only on Chapter 41 but I have a funny feeling that Ella is actually a werewolf but her wolf is suppressed. I can’t wait to know if I guessed right!

Caroline Above Story apologizes in her author’s description for her faulty English since she is Asian but, to be honest, her English is better than what I’ve seen from many authors who are native English speakers. Either her English really is better or she has a good copy editor.

If human-werewolf love stories are your thing, you can find Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story on iReader, Goodnovel, and Amazon. Sadly (for me) it isn’t on KU but if the story is good, it is worth spending the coin on.

Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

To be honest I have mixed feelings about Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee mainly because I’m also reading Sharing Beatrice, which I recently reviewed and it follows the same formula. A young Omega girl is rejected by her first mate and finds several mates soon after who all happen to already live together, then realizes she isn’t like other Omegas … that she has powers other wolves do not possess.

For several chapters onwards none of her mates are willing to accept her and even go out of their way to mock and bully her. One particular mate is kinder than the rest but also does not accept her. All her mates at some point are willing to accept her if she agrees to reject the rest.

Names are different, and the setting is different, but the story flow is more or less the same. What probably makes this story slightly different is that Enya, the female lead character has a stronger backbone than Beatrice at the beginning of the story.

To be fair, Tasting All My Mates was supposedly written first so, if anything, this is the template for Sharing Beatrice. The story has potential and, yes, despite how expensive it is, I have spent money to read more chapters just to see if it gets better. If you are a fan of serialized TV shows, that is more or less the experience you get when reading this book. Each chapter feels like an episode of a TV show.

So far I’m on chapter 94 and she hasn’t tasted a single mate, lol! For the grammar nazis out there (like me!) beware of all the grammatical and spelling errors. Believe me, there are a LOT! That aside, if you can get passed that, the story has a lot of potential … just don’t read it at the same time as Sharing Beatrice like I am doing or you will not be able to help but see. the parallels. 😀

If you would like to check this story out yourself, you can find it on the iReader app.

True Luna by Tessa Lilly

True Luna by Tessa Lilly

I started to read True Luna by Tessa Lilly on iReader because I was curious how this rejection would play out. There are so many stories lately of female lead characters being rejected by their mate that I was interested to see what direction the author would go. Will she immediately find her second chance mate? Will she run away and become rogue? Is her mate a bad guy?

After she shifted on her 18th birthday she discovers that her fated mate is the Alpha of her pack, Logan. As soon as he realized this he decided that he would reject her “for the good of the pack” because the pack needs a strong Luna. This obviously implies that he thinks she is weak.

In Tessa Lilly’s world, rejecting a true mate does not really break the bond, it simply frees them to find a chosen mate. This means that until they mark their chosen mate, they will still feel the connection to their true mate. That is so messed up! I wanted Emma to choose and get marked by Jacob, stat!

This story is riveting. I reached that point where I’d used up all my vouchers and coins and I will now have to purchase to read on. Fyi, reading on iReader is EXPENSIVE. One chapter is worth 180 coins/vouchers. On Goodnovel, most chapters only cost 35 coins. I’d already tried purchasing on iReader and it was shocking how quickly all my coins and vouchers disappeared. shudder In desperation I tried to check if the book is on Amazon.

To my joy, True Luna by Tessa Lilly is on Amazon, yes!!! Both books 1 and 2 are there and cost $4.99 a piece with book 3 in the works. I didn’t even quibble. I immediately tapped both books to purchase. After all, it is cheaper than reading on the app. This story falls under the young adult/teen romance category so it is not as steamy as most of the books I read but I think it is totally worth it!  You should give it a gander on Goodnovel or iReader and read the free chapters to help you decide if you will want to purchase these books as well.


On reading apps books 1 and 2 are just one book but because of Amazon restrictions on the number of pages, it was split into 2 books.


Four books in the series are now published with 1 more coming soon. Here they are with the revamped covers. The cover you see in the feature photo is the original book cover for this series. Click on the covers below to be brought directly to the Amazon page of the book. Unlike the others, the last book appears to be in paperback format (for now).

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