Fake and Don’t Tell by Rebel Bloom

Fake and Don’t Tell by Rebel Bloom

Female main characters come in all shapes and forms but this is probably the first time I’ve encountered one who is pretty much a tomboy. In Fake and Don’t Tell by Rebel Bloom, Poppy grew up with 5 brothers and if that wasn’t enough to make her a certified tomboy she also has 3 male best friends she’s known since they were in diapers. Despite all that testosterone in her life, she was still girl enough to fall in love with Andrew.

For 10 years, Andrew has been mean and unkind to Poppy and only used her sexually when it was convenient for him. Poppy, on the other hand, worshipped the ground he walked on. They eventually broke things off when Andrew said that Poppy was not mature enough for them to marry.

A couple of years later they meet again at Poppy’s family reunion. Why? Because he was engaged to her younger cousin! As if that wasn’t bad enough, they add insult to injury and invite her to the wedding. She has no desire to attend but isn’t given much of a choice so she needs a fake boyfriend, stat!

Enter her best friends: Jude, Cyrus, and Sam. They have known each other for years. At her SOS they go to her house and wait for her to arrive. She tells them what happened and somehow the idea of one of them being her fake date comes up. But how does she choose? Poppy ends up kissing them one after the other to help her decide, but that opens a different can of worms.

From hanging out every week at a sports bar, going to each other’s houses to drink beer and shoot the breeze, and playing baseball with her friends and brothers … now their thoughts are occupied with kisses, hardons, and so much more! I’m on Team Why Choose so I was rooting for all three men from the get-go but I was curious how this would play out.

It was so much fun! To be honest, it wasn’t the intention of the author but I actually forgot about Andrew, lol! Poppy’s encounters with Jude, Cyrus, and Sam were just so different and eye-opening (and dare I say, fun!)

I also need to mention her lovely family from her parents to her brothers who are all very loving and supportive. I don’t want to say more.  This was just so much fun to read so I think you should check it out yourself. 🙂 Fake and Don’t Tell by Rebel Bloom is on Amazon for $2.99 but if you have Kindle Unlimited, it’s free!

I kid you not, at the moment this is my favorite story written by Rebel Bloom.

Grand Slammed by Stephanie Brother

Grand Slammed by Stephanie Brother

If I could only use one word to describe Grand Slammed by Stephanie Brother it would be sweet. This may come as a surprise to some of her readers who are more exposed to her steamy books, but yes, Stephanie can and has written romantic tingle-inducing books. It isn’t always about the heat, although there is definitely enough heat in this book to get the blood pumping.

We met Naomi in Roommates 8: Power Drilled as the massage therapist hired by Great-aunt Evelyn to provide massages for the wedding guests. Towards the end of the story, we know that she hired Naomi for 1 week to give massages to her nephew and friends in Florida. This is where the story picks up.

Dominic is Great-aunt Evelyn’s nephew. He and his friends Justin and Tyler are professional baseball players who have recently retired and are studying for the LSATs in preparation for entering law school in Georgia. This seems like a drastic career change for these young men (who are possibly in their late 20s or early 30s) until she learns why. It just made my heart melt. Philanthropy is just so hot!

Interestingly, in this story, Naomi does not give any “special” massages. If at all, she finds herself on the receiving end of a 6-hand special massage. I don’t know if this story is shorter or if I just read it really fast. The way it was written flowed so smoothly that I didn’t notice the transition of chapters except to note whose POV it was already. Also … not much drama to worry about. There wasn’t even any hullabaloo about Naomi having 3 boyfriends.

Absolutely HEA guaranteed! You can find Grand Slammed by Stephanie Brother on Amazon for $2.99 or FREE with Kindle Unlimited. Don’t forget to read the bonus chapter by clicking HERE.

Silver Fox Secret Daddy by Ruby Emhart

Silver Fox Secret Daddy by Ruby Emhart

Age gap romances are “in” right now and Silver Fox Secret Daddy by Ruby Emhart is one such story.

Dr. Jensen Banks is a well-known heart surgeon. He is well-known for his skill in the operating room and in the bedroom. Panties fall when he walks into a room.  Yes, he is that hot. At 47, Jensen has it made … a successful career, any woman he wants, and no romantic relationship to tie him down. To the casual observer, Jensen has everything. And yet a memory of a passionate moment in the past often enters his thoughts and makes him wish for more.

Luna is an aspiring doctor who just got hired to intern at a hospital in Boston. An amazing encounter in Heathrow Airport’s VIP lounge restroom left her with memories of the best sex of her life and a baby she later named Eloise. Little did she know that her trip to Boston would bring her closer to her baby daddy.

Bring in the complication: Peter. He is Jensen’s best friend. He also happens to be Luna’s estranged father. Jensen talks to him often about “the one that got away”. Luna reconnects with Peter in an attempt to possibly build a familial relationship with him and talks about this man she is dating. None of them realize they are talking about each other.

I think I both love and hate Ruby Emhart at the same time because she makes me wish that men like Jensen actually existed in droves.  I mean, where are all these sexy silver foxes? Most men I meet who are in their 40s and up don’t seem to measure up to these book boyfriends. At the same time, it does make me smile to think of the “what if”. 🙂

Wait until you meet their uber-lovable daughter, Eloise.

This story was more interesting than I thought it would be. Are there funny moments? Yes. Are there parts that make me want to giggle like a schoolgirl? Yes. Are there scenes where I want to hit Luna at the back of the head? For sure. Are there steamy scenes guaranteed to make my eyes glaze? Absolutely! Am I telling you to read this book? Hell yeah!

This story shows us how love can change preconceived notions and push people to become better versions of themselves for someone else. Silver Fox Secret Daddy by Ruby Emhart is the fourth book of the Boston Billionaires series. Grab a copy now on Amazon in Kindle or paperback. With a Kindle Unlimited account, you can read for free!

Huge Deal by Stephanie Brother

Huge Deal by Stephanie Brother

Huge Deal by Stephanie Brother has left me breathless! Talk about hot! It starts off innocently enough until Kain, Blake, and Dalton Nowak accidentally walk in on Gabrielle just as she was pleasuring herself, mistaking her cry of passion for a cry of distress.

All three brothers have been attracted to Gab for quite some time but hesitated to pursue anything because of their best friend, Travis, who happens to be her older brother. After walking in on Gab the thought of being with her grew in their minds and all three (together) decided that they would offer to “service” her in exchange for home-cooked meals. To their surprise, Gab agreed.

Gab is a young woman with a hearty sexual appetite. She, herself, has been greatly attracted to all three brothers and could not pick one over the other. This was a fact she wrote in her diary when she was younger that her annoying brother revealed to them … which was actually a factor in their decision. When the Nowak brothers made the deal with Kain as their spokesperson, it didn’t take long for Gab to accept. After all, it seemed like an answer to a prayer.

I love how Gab and the Nowak brothers expressed their desires from the beginning and it was apparent (to us) that there was more going on than sex, despite Gab pretending otherwise.

Every page turn had me alternately giddy or salivating and the thought of these 3 huge men makes me swoon … Kain with his athletic physique, Dalton with his jaw-dropping muscles that look like he could lift a truck, and Blake with his sexy ink and stimulating piercing … I just kept waiting for Travis to arrive to ruin their fun. I haven’t even mentioned the parents yet. Oh! I just had to cover my eyes waiting for the train wreck.

There is nothing tentative about Huge Deal. This is a book you will not want to read while you are out in public. Wet panties are inevitable, lol!

Huge Deal by Stephanie Brother is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback versions. Read it for free with Kindle Unlimited!

Laws for Training Your Best Dog by Susan Mateo

Laws for Training Your Best Dog by Susan Mateo

Susan Mateo’s Laws for Training Your Best Dog is best bought in paper form. It’s the kind of book I’d love to hold and highlight key points. It’s a very useful reference manual. If there were more pictures, this could be a coffee book.

One of the first things I noticed (and loved) is that she says dog parent instead of dog owner. It’s a small nuance for some but I agree with thinking that a dog is a part of the family. We consider our dogs fur babies.

The book is laid out pretty simply and is very easy to understand.

She starts right off the bat saying there are 4 laws that we should know and that these are what we pay dog trainers for.

If you’re looking to get your dog parenting life off to a good start or just want to have a better-trained dog, here’s a practical and useful guide. You can find this on Amazon in Kindle, Audible, paperback, and hardcover format. Prices vary depending on format but if you have Kindle Unlimited, it’s free!

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