Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

To be honest I have mixed feelings about Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee mainly because I’m also reading Sharing Beatrice, which I recently reviewed and it follows the same formula. A young Omega girl is rejected by her first mate and finds several mates soon after who all happen to already live together, then realizes she isn’t like other Omegas … that she has powers other wolves do not possess.

For several chapters onwards none of her mates are willing to accept her and even go out of their way to mock and bully her. One particular mate is kinder than the rest but also does not accept her. All her mates at some point are willing to accept her if she agrees to reject the rest.

Names are different, and the setting is different, but the story flow is more or less the same. What probably makes this story slightly different is that Enya, the female lead character has a stronger backbone than Beatrice at the beginning of the story.

To be fair, Tasting All My Mates was supposedly written first so, if anything, this is the template for Sharing Beatrice. The story has potential and, yes, despite how expensive it is, I have spent money to read more chapters just to see if it gets better. If you are a fan of serialized TV shows, that is more or less the experience you get when reading this book. Each chapter feels like an episode of a TV show.

So far I’m on chapter 94 and she hasn’t tasted a single mate, lol! For the grammar nazis out there (like me!) beware of all the grammatical and spelling errors. Believe me, there are a LOT! That aside, if you can get passed that, the story has a lot of potential … just don’t read it at the same time as Sharing Beatrice like I am doing or you will not be able to help but see. the parallels. 😀

If you would like to check this story out yourself, you can find it on the iReader app.

Sharing Beatrice by Alexis Dee

Sharing Beatrice by Alexis Dee

I discovered Sharing Beatrice by Alexis Dee by accident when I was randomly adding books to my bookshelf on iReader. I was intrigued because the book opens with Beatrice being humiliated by her mate, Alpha Flynn. What?!? This wasn’t just chapter 1, this was page 1!

This got me curious to see 1) how this would play out and 2) who is he supposedly sharing her with. From the cover art, it is safe to assume there will be three additional men. Boy, was I wrong. It turns out four men would be entering her life. That brings her mate count to five!

Akin, Helel, Zane, and Maddox are the Alpha Kings and sons of Alpha Lord Vazquez. Each son has a very unique personality that make each one stand out. Beatrice is a shy, introverted girl with an insane fear of sleeping alone at night.

On the day that Beatrice gets rejected by Flynn, she finds out that she and her mom were moving to live with Lord Vazquez who has chosen her mom, Scarlet, as his mate. When the parents leave for a trip Beatrice is forced to approach the brothers one by one to ask them to sleep with her (literally, not metaphorically) so that she will not get nightmares.

Long story short, they discover they are all mated to her but rather than treat her well, they were disparaging and hurtful and treated her like nothing more than a sex doll. I was mad at her for being so spineless and looked forward to the pages when she would grow a backbone. Sharing Beatrice by Alexis Dee is an interesting story despite the many incorrect word usage to be found. As the book progressed, there were fewer, though. I do not know if it is completed yet or not but so far you can read it on iReader.

More story than sex, which makes it interesting and not smutty.

To be honest, the copy editor in me is really irritated by all the errors in this book: homonyms, completely wrong terms used, and worse, when the author can’t keep track of who is talking and what to call them. For example … she is referring to one of the guys and then she calls him “stepmother”. This is not an insurmountable problem. I hope that the author hires a copy editor to go over the story before deciding the publish.

The story has a lot of potential but the multitude of errors makes my teeth hurt.

This story is still ongoing on iReader. Download the app and read Sharing Beatrice by Alexis Dee on your tablet or phone.

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