To Differ, Digitally

To Differ, Digitally

Augmented realities and fake news, the politics of relationships, Manila as dystopia. These are some of the themes that will be tackled and presented in ‘To Differ, Digitally; Calls for Change Through New Media’ an exhibit by the College of Saint Benilde’s Center for Campus Art (CCA) in partnership with the New Media Cluster of the School of Design and Arts.

to differ digitallyThe clamor for change is now played out on the platforms of digital and social media as the tools of every person to differ and speak out. New Media, as this exhibit portrays, are vital means to merge art and design with the independent statements by our educators today.

The production is the first digital exhibit of the CCA and as well, the first one that is headlined exclusively by Benilde faculty, in particular those from the New Media Cluster composed of the Photography, Digital Film, Animation and Multimedia Arts programs.

SDA New Media Cluster artists of the To Differ, Digitally Exhibit

SDA New Media Cluster artists of the To Differ, Digitally Exhibit

Molly Tamola Velasco-Wansom, Lea Sacdalan Abarentos, Katrina Santiano Juane, Penny Angeles-Tan, Jomel Gregorio, Rafael Liao, Sharon Mapa, Vanju Alvaira, Hannah Sison, Jesse Ray Lazaro, Mito Tubilleja, Mochie Cuyco, Roy Molon, Pepe Manikan, Don Henry Bañaga Bolo, Volty Garcia, Daniel Enriquez, Yolec Homecillo, Love Asis, Leo Santos, Jag Garcia, and Seymour Sanchez will present their statements and calls for change through the use of contemporary tools and platforms.

Curated by Arch. Gerry Torres, Director of the CCA and Karen Ocampo Flores, Benilde faculty and curator, Philippine Women’s University School of Fine Arts and Design (PWU-SFAD) Studio Gallery.

The exhibit will run from November 23, 2017 to January 20, 2018. The opening of the exhibit will be on November 23, 6:00PM at the 12th Floor SDA Gallery, SDA Building.

This is open to the public. See you all there!

For more information about this event please visit the website Be Heard, Benilde! or check out their social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

How to set up your website on Adobe Dreamweaver CC

How to set up your website on Adobe Dreamweaver CC

dw intro screen

Setting up a website before actually starting one is a step that many people not familiar with Adobe Dreamweaver forget to do. This is also called site management.

Because I am using a Mac the screenshots I will be showing you hear are all for a Mac but, trust me, there is very little difference between the interface for Windows or Mac OS.  When you open Dreamweaver for the first time it will look something like this.

dw manage sites

If you haven’t set up your site yet then you need to set it up now.  Note the Manage Sites link at the right side of the dropdown in the Files tab.  This will only appear if the dropdown is in Computer or Desktop.

If you don’t see it there, no to worry, you can also click on the link found within the dropdown.  Let’s click it now.  This will open the Manage Sites window.

DW Manage Sites Window

Click on NEW SITE.  This will open the SITE SETUP window.

site setup


In this window you will be required to enter your sitename and the local site folder (where you will save your website on your computer).

For the purpose of this exercise let us call your site web and set your local site folder to match your sitename.  By default Dreamweaver will try to save your website in your Documents folder.  You should allow it to save there.  At this point, you can just click on SAVE.  This will bring you back to the manage sites window and will display the site you just set up.  Technically your site is already ready to be used.

choose your site

choose your site

But let’s go back and double click on web.  This will open the site setup window again.

Setting up FTP via Adobe Dreamweaver CC

In the site setup window go to the servers tab.  Click on the + sign to add a new server.  This will open the BASIC SERVER SETTINGS.

dw servers

basic-serverHow do you know what settings to put in?  Check the email that your web host sent you.

  • SERVER NAME – this is usually the name of your site
  • FTP address – for most servers it is (meaning ftp followed by your domain name) but you still need to check the email your web host sent you., for example, has a different FTP address
  • USERNAME – again, check the email your web host sent.  It will be there and usually labeled cpanel/FTP username
  • PASSWORD – same as with the username
  • ROOT DIRECTORY – for most it will be public_html.  For some it will be just /.  Just as I mentioned above, please check the email your web host sent.
  • WEB URL – you can just ignore this, it doesn’t really matter.

successTo check if you put in the right settings click on TEST.  If successful you will see this window.  Only thing left is just to click on SAVE.

On the SERVER window you will now see your server.  Click on SAVE again.


This will bring us back to the Manage Sites window and the cache for your site will be created.


Make sure the name of your site is highlighted in the list and just click on DONE. We’re now ready to start on the website itself using Adobe Dreamweaver CC.

Teacher mode: down time

I’ve been teaching here at CSB for 3 weeks now and I still feel like a squatter.  Can’t help it.  I belong to the SDA campus and while we have a faculty lounge there, my classes are all on the Taft campus and, as far as I know, there is no faculty lounge here.  Therefore, to surf comfortably, I end up spending a LOT of time at the library.

The Complete Calvin and Hobbes

The Complete Calvin and Hobbes

It’s not so bad.  The faculty corner is right beside the graphic novels and I just borrowed book 1 of The Complete Calvin And Hobbes.  I have a month to return it, too. 🙂  I can borrow up to 10 books in 1 month.

I teach 2 classes.  One at 8:00 am and the other at 4:20 pm.  The gap between my classes is big and normally I would go to my Uncle Gerry’s place in Malate to kill time.  Unfortunately, the internet connection there is currently down so I won’t be productive there.  At least here at the library, it is cool and quiet and well lit.  The only drawback is I can’t eat or drink while working. 🙂

On the upside, I got a lot of work done today.  I’ve graded quizzes, learning journals, and seatwork of my 54 students.  I’m working on homework now.  Grading the homework is subjective because I gave them movie maker assignments, so it really depends on their creativity.

My students seem to be ok with the way I teach.  At least, there have been no complaints so far.

I conduct a paperless class so all their notes are online.  I don’t know where they save it but I taught them how to access and use GoogleDocs.  It is my hope that they actually use it.  Does Yahoo have a similar feature I don’t know about?

I gave a seminar yesterday on Project Management.  Section FID1 was there, all of them, of which I am gratified.  FFM1 was missing.  I don’t think I saw a single one of them there.  As a matter of fact, there was no attendance from that class given to me, and every other section of BASICOM and some upperclassmen were there.  I guess I will find out later during their class if anyone was there but just forgot to give me their attendance.

The library is cool.  I get to plug my laptop here and everything.  Drawbacks, though are:

  • I can’t eat or drink here.
  • If I need to pee I have to pack up all my stuff and then unpack everything when I come back.
  • chairs are not padded so it is very possible my butt is getting flatter by the minute. 😀

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