Man’s Best Wingman by Bryant

Man’s Best Wingman by Bryant

Our man Clay Nikolaidis is a ladies’ man. At least he was until his sister, Reece, gave him a corgi named Zeus in Man’s Best Wingman by Bryant. In case the names sound familiar, that is because we first encountered Clay and Reece (by name) in Princes of Ravenwood. Clay is part Greek, part Russian, part English, part American, and all man!

Big guy, small dog, you’d think it is a foolproof plan to get the ladies, except that Zeus is very picky about who he will allow Clay to mate with … which is no one he has met until he meets Xenia and her dog Tinkerbell.

Xenia is a spicy Latina from Puerto Rico who trains dogs for a living. That is how she ended up with Tinkerbell, a big fluffy dog with anxiety issues. Xenia is her emotional support human.

This story is a laugh-fest from start to finish! A modern-day comedy of errors, if you will. It felt like Murphy’s Law was working overtime to mess up Clay and Xenia’s fun times. As I am reading I can see all of it happening in my head and I couldn’t help but laugh each time. Thankfully, things get better as the chapters progress.

If you are looking for something light to read that will make you laugh, then Man’s Best Wingman by Bryant is right up your alley.  You can find it on Goodnovel. It is only 44 chapters so can be read in a day easily.


The Princes of Ravenwood by Bryant

The Princes of Ravenwood by Bryant

Princes of Ravenwood by Bryant is a departure from the werewolf tales that Bryant is known for. It follows the life of Riko Shiraishi, a high school senior, and her burgeoning relationship with the Frost triplets – Darius, Elijah, and Forrest.

This book made me breathless! While I, personally, cannot fathom how I would handle three identical hotties, I can see how Riko can fall in love with all of them. It is like they are one person split into three! How do I (in her shoes) choose between them?

Each triplet’s personality is so different from the other that it makes me wonder why most people can’t tell them apart, including their parents. Sure, they are identical, and, sure, they like to pretend to be each other to fool people, but one would expect that close friends and especially family would know who is who.

Riko is the first person to see each of them as individuals and could immediately tell them apart. This, perhaps, is the main reason why Darius, Elijah, and Forrest were quickly drawn to her. Polyamory is a complicated relationship dynamic but I get it. And I don’t think I would be able to love just one of them either if I were Riko. In her shoes, I would not be able to pick just one of them either.

While this story is a reverse harem romance, at the same time it does fall under the young adult/teen category so … more story, and less heat but it still gets pretty hot. You can read Princes of Ravenwood by Bryant on Goodnovel or on Amazon where it is available in Kindle and paperback format.

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