Bossy Silverfox by Ruby Wilde

Bossy Silverfox by Ruby Wilde

I have read my share of age-gap romances and Bossy Silverfox by Ruby Wilde is probably the first one I have read where I really saw/felt the age gap. It isn’t just the vague notion of their actual age. There are also all the references in the story that gives us the reader, and Maggie, a hint of the 20-year gap.

Maggie is possibly around 25 and an editor for Wrought Iron Publishing. While many people her age are still unsure of what they want to do Maggie is already at her dream job.

Leo is possibly in his mid-40s, like 45. He is the boss at Wrought Iron and has secretly had a crush on Maggie from the moment she joined the company years ago. Instead of showing his affection like a grown-up, he acts like a child and bullies her, lol!

It takes a weekend conference out of town to get these two on the road to romance which does not develop as fast as I initially thought. There were a few obstacles that were not easy to overcome and in the end, they did get their happily ever after.

If there was one thing specifically that bothered me it was their love scenes. Very little happened in the way of foreplay and before even two paragraphs end he’s inside her. After they climax instead of spending time cuddling in the aftermath, Leo and Maggie immediately stand and get dressed then do other stuff like cook or read. I can only speak for myself but I think foreplay, cuddles, and aftercare are important.

Bossy Silverfox by Ruby Wilde is not a bad story, mind you. It just left me wanting more. Some parts were slow and at times it felt like the story jumped drastically or there was a story arc that could have been worked more. And, definitely, I think their sex life leaves much to be desired as it was like it was simply sex and nothing else.

You can find this book on Amazon for $0.99 but if you have Kindle Unlimited, it’s free. I would recommend using KU to read it first then if you like it, you can opt to buy it.

Mistletoe Grump by Ruby Emhart

Mistletoe Grump by Ruby Emhart

It started with a kiss under a mistletoe at a masquerade ball … Mistletoe Grump by Ruby Emhart is the story of Emilia and Hunter. Emilia is a young, beautiful, hardworking woman whose only desire for the future is to have a permanent, well-paying job. Hunter is a handsome billionaire and CEO of one of the most successful dating apps who never wanted to be in a relationship.

The attraction was instant for both Emilia and Hunter and no one would have thought that fate would bring them together as boss and secretary and in a fake relationship.

Hunter, grumpy? Only because he is resisting Emilia’s charms!

The way they interact with each other is so refreshing! It doesn’t matter if Hunter is her boss, Emilia has no problem bringing on the snark and he likes it! Despite himself, Hunter is unable to resist Emilia’s charms and proposes a fake relationship with her in an effort to kill two birds with one stone … to solve his work-related issue, and to give in to the demands of the not-so-little guy in his pants!

All their unprotected sex honestly bothered me, but it kind of led to a predictable ending. Mistletoe Grump is a HEA story and a quick read. It took me less than a day. I had fun reading about their relationship journey. 🙂

You can get a Kindle copy of Mistletoe Grump by Ruby Emhart on Amazon for a mere 0.99 or free with a Kindle Unlimited account.

My Dad’s Bad Boy Bestie by Lacey Nash

My Dad’s Bad Boy Bestie by Lacey Nash

I wish authors put more thought into their book titles because I feel that My Dad’s Bad Boy Bestie by Lacey Nash is mistitled. There is nothing about Jason that says “bad boy”, in fact, for him to be best friends with Bella’s dad he has to be a good guy. If we ask Daddy Bryan, he is the BEST guy. After all, they’re besties!

There are more than a handful of grammatical issues that caused frown lines to appear on my forehead, but that is probably just the copy editor in me. I wish more books go through copy editing or proofreading publishing. Sometimes it’s a case of homonyms, which is understandable, but other times it is like the author was searching for the right word, never found it, and used a different word with the intention of going back to it but never got around to it.

If you are the type of reader that can just skip over those you may enjoy this book. It isn’t long, just 22 chapters plus an epilogue, and took me a few hours to read.

The story is pretty straightforward with the main characters struggling with the 18-year age gap but ultimately overcoming it. HEA guaranteed.

My Dad’s Bad Boy Bestie by Lacey Nash is available on Amazon for only 0.99 and is free on Kindle Unlimited.

Double Bossed by Rare

Double Bossed by Rare

Double Bossed by Rare is one of those books I started to read out of curiosity and later, thankfully, enjoyed. The main characters in this story are the bosses, a gay couple named Jacob and Hardin, and their assistant Faith.

Hardin was sexually abused by his mother when he was a teenager and forced to participate in sex for money. Because of this, he had a strong phobia of women and could not stand to be around them. Jacob encountered Hardin while on vacation and from the moment they met, it was magic. Jacob took him away from that life and they have been together since and established a fashion empire.

Hardin and Jacob never get female employees reporting to them directly because of Hardin’s condition yet of all the applicants to apply for the assistant position, Faith’s stood out.

There was hesitation at first to even interview her because but they gave her a chance. It was worrisome for Hardin because 1) she is female, 2) she is attractive, 3) he could see that Jacob was attracted to her, and 4) although he would not admit it, he was attracted to her, too.

Thankfully, for Faith, she turns out to be the best assistant they’ve ever had. Things start to get interesting when Faith finds herself drawn to both Jacob and Hardin. This started when Jacob would openly caress Hardin in front of her while the 3 are in a meeting. It all comes to a head when they go overseas and all stay at Jacob and Hardin’s house and their feelings for each other surface.

Classifying Double Bossed by Rare as a reverse harem does not really fit the bill since all three participants are in love with and physically attracted to each other. During their trysts, it was not uncommon for one man to be between Faith’s thighs while the other is in his ass at the same time. You’d think it would bother me, but it was well-written in a loving manner, and considering that the men are supposed to be gay, it made sense. I guess, in a way, it means they’re bi for Faith.

You can read Double Bossed by Rare at Goodnovel.

Begin Again by Val Sims

Begin Again by Val Sims

When I read Begin Again by Val Sims it was initially a palette cleanser. While I enjoy reading about werewolves and reverse harems, sometimes, it is good to change things up and read something different.

Begin Again popped up in the list of books that give bonus coins for reading 3 chapters. I looked at the preview and said, “Sure, why not.” Eden is jilted a month before her wedding has a one-night stand with a billionaire then leaves him before he wakes. Later she finds herself pregnant but hesitates in contacting him because she thinks he is getting married.

Liam Anderson has a reputation for only being with a woman for 3-months. After his one-night stand with Eden, something surprising happened … he couldn’t get it up! Somehow, she broke him! He desperately searches for her but since they didn’t even exchange names, he had no idea where to find her.

Eden returns two years later clueless about Liam’s dilemma and with a secret of her own to protect. The story gets more interesting as it progresses and I found myself buying coins and wishing for sudden discounts just so I could finish the story.

Eden is a stubborn angel, but then she is a protective mother so I get that. Liam is arrogant and scared so his mishaps, while funny, were predictable. It helped Liam that at his first sighting of Eden, he felt a response in his pants.

Their love for each other is so obvious to everyone else but each other that it is almost painful to read … but I couldn’t stop! I had to know how they would resolve things. Look for Begin Again by Val Sims on Goodnovel. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 🙂

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