The herbal solution to good health in capsule form

The herbal solution to good health in capsule form

Growing up my dad has introduced us to all sorts of herbal remedies and preparations – all of which were supposed to make us healthier and stronger.

Brewer's YeastI remember him putting brewer’s yeast with milk in a blender and giving it to me and my sisters to drink every night.  It made the milk extra frothy and creamy.  At the moment I can’t quite recall what it was supposed to do for us but I trust my dad. :)

Ampalaya plantAnd then there is the ampalaya plant.  Most people know of the medicinal features of the ampalaya fruit but my parents introduced us to the healing power of the leaves which we use as a poultice for wounds and infection.

Malunggay, the wonder gulay

About 15 years ago years ago my dad read something about the healing power of the “lowly” malunggay plant.

breastfeeding mother

When I gave birth to my daughter in 1992 I remember my mom making me soup made mussels and malunggay leaves.  She gave me to drink the soup with the leaves specifically because malunggay is known to help nursing mothers lactate.

With my dad’s penchant for research he discovered that there is more to the malunggay plant than meets the eye.  According to Trees for Life, the malunggay, also known as moringga oleifera, contains:

milk, fruits, and vegetables

  • more Vitamin A than carrots
  • more calcium than milk
  • more iron than spinach
  • more Vitamin C than oranges, and
  • more potassium than bananas

That is amazing!  All that from those tiny leaves!

Later my dad met someone from whom he purchased dried and powdered malunggay leaves.  From another person he purchased some capsules made of vegetable extract.  This, hypothetically, would have made it easier for us to consume our daily dose of malunggay.

Spooning malunggay powder into a tiny funnel and pouring it into the capsules is not difficult but is tedious work!  I was better off just sprinkling it on my food.  Take it from me, it wasn’t fun.  Eventually I ended up not taking my daily malunggay dose.

Thankfully, this amazing product – malunggay, the wonder gulay, capsules are now readily available commercially at all Mercury Drugstores and other leading drugstores nationwide.

The Wonders of Malunggay in a capsule!

  • Full product name: Atienza Naturale Malunggay Capsule
  • Product base: malunggay (moringa oleifera)
  • Tagline: the wonder gulay
Atienza Naturale Malunggay

Atienza Naturale Malunggay

Malunggay leaves are great sources of Vitamin A, B-Vitamins, and minerals such as calcium and iron. What’s more, the leaves are also rich in sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cysteine.

Due to its high content of potent antioxidants Vitamins A, C, and E, malunggay is an outstanding neutralizer of unstable free radicals that can react with and damage other molecules. Antioxidants diminish wrinkles and fine lines associated with aging. They may also prevent the onset of various chronic disorders like arthritis, cancer and heart and kidney diseases.

Malunggay is widely considered a “wonder vegetable” because of its immense nutritional value. It helps promote good eyesight and digestion. It may also provide help in cases of scurvy, asthma, earache, and headaches.

And due to its exceptional calcium content, it is consumed by lactating mothers to produce more milk to feed their babies. That’s why malunggay is also referred to as “Mother’s Best Friend”.

Now you can get all the health-giving benefits of Malunggay without the hassle of gathering leaves and preparing dishes. EACH CAPSULE OF ATIENZA NATURALE CONTAINS 500mg OF PURE AND FRESH MALUNGGAY so you get only the nutrients and minerals that will give your body the health boost and protection it needs.


Each capsule of Atienza Naturale Malunggay Capsule contains Vitamins, Iron, Calcium, and Antioxidants.


  • malunggayIts leaves are good sources of iron, calcium, ascorbic acid, and phosphorus.
  • Malunggay can help lower blood pressure, aid in relieving pain caused by rheumatism, headache and migraines.
  • Malunggay is an anti-tumor plant rich in very potent antioxidants, which may help prevent the onset of various chronic diseases like arthritis, cancer and heart and kidney diseases.
  • Internal organs are said to benefit from malunggay, good for treating liver and spleen problems and for joint pains.
  • Malunggay is a proven “Galactogogue”, valuable for lactating women as it helps stimulate milk production for feeding babies.
  • Malunggay has been extensively studied by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology with a stamp of approval and recommendation.

Dr. Rainier Neri Mozo speaks on the benefits of malunggay to the body #atienzanaturale #wondergulay

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In 2014, physicians at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) – Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center (OMMC)’s Department of Internal Medicine and Intensive Care Unit embarked on a landmark study presenting the potential use of malunggay as a natural alternative to standard preparations used for lowering and regulating blood sugar.

To ensure that the malunggay in the study was administered in standardized doses, the research team opted to use Atienza Naturale Malunggay Capsules, as it featured the purest form of the herb in a medium that could be taken conveniently.

According to Doctors Rainier Nery Mozo and Imelda Caole-Ang, an extract derived from malunggay was instrumental in reducing Hemoglobin A1c, a key indicator in the level of blood glucose, in a control group of 60 patients at the OMMC.

The study showed a mean reduction of 0.6% in the blood glucose of involved patients after regular dosage of malunggay


  • VCAPS – Atienza Naturale Malunggay Capsule is encapsulated in vegetable capsules not in animal based substances.
  • Each capsule contains 500mg. of pure and fresh Malunggay leaves.
  • US FDA Facility Reg. No.: 17069452532
  • FDA LTO No.: RDI-MM-FW-5253
  • Available at all Mercury Drugstores and other leading drugstores nationwide.

Turmeric is not just for curry

For most people turmeric is easily associated with curry – not only for its smell and taste, but also for its color.  Very few people know of its benefits to our health.  Because my dad does a lot of research on these things we are some of the few people who have been privy to this information. 🙂

Just like with the malunggay, my dad purchased this in powder form but unlike the malunggay, it was easier for us to think about how to consume this since most of us at home enjoy spicy food.

But, you know how they say when you add heat to vegetables it lowers the amount of nutrients to be found in it?  That’s true. 🙂  So we thought of encapsulating them, too.  But just like with the malunggay powder, this was tedious and, in addition, messy!  The yellow/orange powder clings to your skin and stains clothes!  There has to be a better solution to this, right?

Feel terrific with turmeric!

Atienza Naturale Turmeric Capsule

Atienza Naturale Turmeric Capsule

  • Full product name: Atienza Naturale Turmeric capsule
  • Product base: luyang dilaw (curcuma longa)
  • Tagline: Feel terrific with turmeric!

What makes Turmeric so Terrific?

Turmeric, also known as curcuma longa, is a very common herb. Often referred to as the “Queen of Spices,” its main characteristics are a pepper-like aroma, sharp taste and golden color.

According to the Journal of the American Chemical Society, turmeric contains a wide range of antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is also loaded with many healthy nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. Due to all these factors, turmeric is often used to treat a wide variety of health problems.

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant with Bioactive Compounds!

turmericAntioxidants neutralize free radicals that damages the cells causing health problems while Bioactive Compounds have medicinal properties that may help in the treatment of some conditions such as:

Inflammation Turmeric contains a natural anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin that can be beneficial for people suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.
Cardiovascular conditions Compounds in turmeric help to lower low-density lipoprotein, or “bad,” cholesterol levels and prevent cholesterol from building plaque on blood vessel walls.

Turmeric can also prevent platelets from clumping together, which may reduce the risk of blood clots.

Cancer prevention Turmeric’s preventive effects may relate to its antioxidant properties which protect cells from damage to help prevent or aid in the treatment of several types of cancers, including prostate, breast, ski and colon cancer. Intensive research is still ongoing for Turmeric’s anti-cancer properties.
Prevention of diabetes Studies have shown that curcumin may provide ideal intervention for Type 2 diabetes capable of mitigating characteristic pathophysiological hallmarks of the disease such as elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance.

According to clinical research, curcumin has glucose lowering effect and improves fatty acid oxidation and utilization.

Neurodegenerative conditions Turmeric has also been studied to prevent or slow down the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease which is a leading cause of dementia. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of curcumin is generally believed to be cause various improvements in the pathological process of Alzheimer’s disease.


  • VCAPS – Atienza Naturale Turmeric Capsule is encapsulated in vegetable capsules not in animal based substances.
  • Each capsule contains 500mg. of pure and fresh Curcuma longa powder
  • FDA Registration. No.: FR-142046
  • FDA LTO No.: CFRR-NCR-FT-144
  • DOSAGE: 1-2 Capsules daily
  • Available at all Mercury Drugstores and other leading drugstores nationwide.

For even more information, follow Atienza Naturale on their website, Instagram, and on their Facebook page.

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