Palacio de Memoria museum presents new ecclesiastical pieces

Palacio de Memoria museum presents new ecclesiastical pieces

Palacio de Memoria has recently expanded its unrivaled curated collection of Euro-Filipino art pieces in its museum, shedding light on the landmark contributions of Christianity to the world from time immemorial.

Camille Lhuillier

Camille Lhuillier Palacio de Memoria General Manager

“We are the third-largest Catholic country in the world, and our religion is an important part of our history and our identity as Filipinos. Aside from their artistic merits, we hope the new pieces in our museum will help enlighten people about our Christian cultural heritage,” says Palacio de Memoria general manager Camille Lhuillier.

With the easing of the community quarantine, it is a good time to drop by the museum because there are fewer crowds which gives more time to look at and appreciate the new art pieces. Moreover, people may also find some comfort in the religious museum amid the pandemic.

The majority of the museum’s ecclesiastic collection dates back to the 14th century and spans across time until the 20th century. Among the new must-see items at the Palacio de Memoria museum are unique portraits showing religious figures in interesting and considerable variations from the conventional figurations, particularly those of Christ, the Virgin Mary, different saints, and other iconographies.

Museum visitors can also find paintings depicting religious life, including the 17th-century painting from Spain showing the martyrdom of Saints Fausto, Jenaro, and Marcial of Cordoba, as well as an oil painting dating back to the 17th century Flemish-Spanish school portraying the scourging of Christ.

Also part of the newly curated selection is ivory icons of ethical provenances, such as the Madonna and Child sculpture from 18th century Portugal and the Crucified Christ figure encased in a wooden frame. Museum-goers may also see reliquaries of venerated individuals including the apostles and various saints.

Moreover, Palacio de Memoria’s museum collection extends to church artifacts like furniture, altarpieces, and other items used in a liturgical ceremony. Collection highlights include a wooden oratorio with a tableau of the Holy Family in polychrome terracotta, a two-seat choir stall from 18th century Portugal, a wooden processional cross from Spain, and a bishop’s chair from Bolivia with a depiction of relief of Archangel Michael and the Blessed Virgin along with its wooden frame.

With all these, Palacio de Memoria’s Christian heritage museum unifies the educational and devotional functions of the pieces’ ecclesiastic history all in one place.

Aside from the new pieces, the museum will also soon serve as a chapel where religious gatherings such as an intimate wedding or baptism can be held.

Palacio de Memoria is located at 95 Roxas Boulevard, Tambo, Parañaque. Tours are also available upon request. For more information, visit or follow @thepalaciodememoria on Facebook and on Instagram.

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AXA Philippines launches CEB Health Protect with Cebu Pacific

AXA Philippines launches CEB Health Protect with Cebu Pacific

AXA Philippines, one of the country’s leading insurance providers, ties up with the Philippines’ leading carrier Cebu Pacific (CEB), to provide non-travel insurance to the airline’s customer base through CEB Health Protect.

CEB Health Protect, underwritten by AXA Philippines, offers value-for-money coverage for the top three critical illnesses: cancer, heart attack, and stroke. This is the first of a number of products under Cebu Pacific’s new suite of lifestyle insurance packages, launched specifically to cater to its customers’ needs beyond travel.

Through the partnership, the two industry leaders strive to offer customers a convenient and seamless booking process for their insurance needs. Every Filipino or “Juan” may start their journey of availing the health insurance from the comfort and safety of their own homes via CEB’s website, which will redirect them to the AXA Philippines’ website for the fulfillment and issuance of the policy.

Amor Balagtas“We are very excited over this partnership because now we are able to reach out to more Filipinos who will have access to insurance and financial services,” said AXA Philippines Chief Customer Officer Amor Balagtas. “This enables us to fulfill our mission to help secure the future of every Filipino — or in this case — every Juan.”

Candice Iyog“Our passengers have always been at the heart of our business and now more than ever, we strive to always give them peace of mind when flying with us,” said Candice Iyog, CEB vice-president for marketing and customer experience.

“Our commitment to ensuring they have a safe and seamless journey with us does not only cover their actual flight but even beyond. We recognize that there is a greater need to take care of every Juan’s health and assets during this time, and that is why we are very excited to introduce CEB Health Protect.”

Aside from CEB Health Protect, AXA Philippines and Cebu Pacific will soon offer every Juan safety and protection with more non-travel insurance products.

Thanks to AXA Philippines and Cebu Pacific, you can start your health journey and be protected and safe today! For more information, visit

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EDC partners with DOH–CHD Bicol to help expand their COVID-19 testing capabilities

EDC partners with DOH–CHD Bicol to help expand their COVID-19 testing capabilities

As of September, more than 1,700 COVID-19 cases were reported in the Bicol region, according to the Department of Health–Center for Health and Development (DOH–CHD) Bicol Regional Director Dr. Ernie D. Vera. The lack of proper equipment and facilities has affected the province’s efforts to control the spread of the virus.

With that, Lopez-led Energy Development Corporation (EDC) refocused its COVID-19 resiliency efforts in its host communities in Bicol to initiatives that will enhance local mass testing capabilities. Through a partnership with the DOH–CHD Bicol, EDC donated P4.2 million to fund the expansion and refurbishment of the health center’s building and COVID-19 testing laboratory, which is one of only two in the Bicol region accredited by the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM).

The partnership between EDC and DOH–CHD Bicol was formalized with a virtual signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Agreement and Deed of Donation between DOH–CHD Bicol led by Dr. Vera, Assistant Regional Director Ferchito Avelino, Chief of the Management Support Division Norberto Balane Jr., and Cluster Head for Infectious and Communicable Disease Dr. Jannish Alcala Arellano; and EDC led by Senior Vice President and OIC of Facilities, Operations and Maintenance Group Engr. Liberato S. Virata, Assistant Vice President and Corporate Support Functions Head Regina Victoria J. Pascua, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Public Relations Head Atty. Allan V. Barcena, Bacon–Manito (BacMan) Geothermal Facility Head Engr. Marcel Rosario, and BacMan CSR Head Eduardo Jimenez.

Engr. Liberato Virata“EDC puts a great premium on community development and resiliency. I have seen what we can accomplish by working hand in hand with the local government and I look forward to the beginning of a more dynamic partnership with DOH and other key agencies in ensuring that the people are healthy and safe,” said Virata.

“We believe this partnership will be the best practice for us in government. We are the first regional agency that partnered with a private organization, a power company. It is an honor for us to have EDC as a partner,” said Dr. Vera.

The expansion and refurbishment of the DOH laboratories will ramp up the region’s testing capabilities and help them gather the necessary information to find ways to further flatten the curve and manage the pandemic in the area.

EDC operates the 140MW BacMan Geothermal Project that supplies clean and reliable power to the Luzon grid. It is a global pioneer in the geothermal energy industry and the country’s largest vertically integrated geothermal developer, supplying 1,457.8MW of clean and renewable energy to the Philippines.

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Elevate your baby’s cuteness with these customized statement bibs

Elevate your baby’s cuteness with these customized statement bibs

Now, your baby can make a fashion statement too with the cutest baby accessory brand in town: Bibs Manila, a new online business that offers bespoke and eye-catching bibs.

The homegrown brand was started by Kit and Kate Joaquin, who are also proud parents to now 6-year-old Kiel. With Bibs Manila, parents can get one-of-a-kind statement bibs for their babies while adding their own personal touches. What’s more, the bibs are made of high-quality fabric, durable enough for everyday meals.

Check out Bibs Manila’s website and simply search for “STATEMENT BIB” and you’ll be directed to a page where you can select your design in just a few clicks. You can even personalize the bib with your baby’s name, your favorite quote, or standout word choices, such as “Awesome” or “Mommy’s Fave,” to name a few. Choose from a variety of colors and fonts, and you’re all set!

Likewise, if you have artistic leanings, you can also opt to send in your own designs that Bibs Manila can turn into bibs just for you. Bibs Manila can also help you create a unique design of your choosing. To make it even easier, Bibs Manila also offers special pre-made bibs in hundreds of designs, featuring fun and colorful patterns, laugh-out-loud catchphrases, and charming characters.

If you happen to know a couple who is expecting a new addition to their family, these baby bibs make great gifts, too. Consider giving them the gift of 7 bibs – one for every day of the week – and you can get an adorable gift box to go with it.

To view and shop Bibs Manila’s collection, visit their website,, or follow @bibs_manila on Instagram. Bibs Manila ships nationwide in the Philippines and internationally in select countries.

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Why Igorots in Metro Manila source goods directly from farmers

Why Igorots in Metro Manila source goods directly from farmers

Two pesos a kilo for cabbage. Four pesos for cucumber.

After spending to bring their produce to the nearest vegetable trading post in the last week of July, Cordilleran farmers were given a cruel rate, crushing their hope of raising cash to buy seeds for the next harvest.

A Sad Story for New-Gen Farmers

Shereen Umayat and Jessica Dapliyan, two young farmers from Sagada, had a cheaper option for their next maturing vegetables- let the plants rot in the farmland to stop having additional expenses.  Asked how much she has spent for her cucumber, Umayat computed it to be at least P40,000.  While there are active programs like Sustainable Sagada and Rural Rising organized to help ease the situation, not all produce in the remote Mountain Province town can be accommodated.

Dapliyan, a former innkeeper who shifted to farming following travel bans, started giving away her cabbage produce for free in September after unsuccessful attempts to sell what her family has been working since community quarantine restrictions were implemented.

Trying the Metro Manila Market

For generations, farmers in Sagada and other towns of the Cordilleras have been trading in marketplaces within the mountainous region, and going to the lowlands is not part of their regular routine. But as they run out of options, they are forced to seek help outside the highlands.  Tapping Metro Manila-based Cordillerans or Igorots was the first move. Upon learning about the crisis, Christian Aligo, a Marketing Communications practitioner living in Quezon City, started the “The Sagada Harvests Project” on Facebook.

With the assistance from Umayat, Menchie Buking of the Department of Agrarian Reform Mt. Province (DAR MP) and other concerned locals, The Sagada Harvests Project is able to sell out about three tons of produce in its first two runs.  Alongside Aligo are other Metro Manila-based Igorots including Luisa Gay Pugong, Jenny Lyn Likigan, Bing Podes Laguipen, and Hector Ngales who transformed themselves into vendors after their day job to help address the crisis.

Joining the force is the couple Atty. Pio and Noemie Jeanet Daoas who now spend their weekends on vegetables. With the help of dedicated riders, the couple delivers the goods within Taguig City at only P20.

A Trade Friendlier to Farmers

As agreed, it is the farmers who set the price of their produce. Currently, in marketplaces, it is the multi-level middlemen who dictate the price and get a bigger portion of it.  When the rate at the La Trinidad trading post for cabbage was P2 per kilo, The Sagada Harvests Project purchased the vegetable at P20 per kilo– as dictated by the farmers.

To further assist the Igorot vendors, DAR’s Sagada Linksfarmers Consolidation Center opened its doors to help screen quality produce prior to shipping.  Recently, the regional office of the Department of Agriculture (DA) also offered transportation assistance to help lower expenses.

Meanwhile, local food producers Gabay Wines and Food Preserves and Masferre Country Inn & Restaurant have been doing experiments for delicate items like wild blueberry, wheat bread, and goat cheese products to check on the shelf-life of the products when offered in places with a warmer climate.

To know more about The Sagada Harvest Project and a list of Igorot vendors who directly source their goods from farmers, contact Aligo at 0956-174-8464 (Globe) or visit now.

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5 kitchen tips for homeschooling moms

5 kitchen tips for homeschooling moms

“Going back to school” is different this year as many schools shift to distance learning due to the pandemic. In addition to other responsibilities, most parents now need to take on their kids’ schooling and ensure that they really understand their online lessons.

If you’re already working from home, you may be thinking that you just don’t have enough time for your job, household chores, and helping your kids with school. Before you get overwhelmed, Solane, the leading supplier of LPG in the country, is here to offer some kitchen tips to make your new arrangement at home easier.

Set a schedule.

Preparing a meal, on top of everything else that needs to get done, can be time-consuming. Make sure you have a daily schedule that includes the time you will allot for cooking, uninterrupted work, your kids’ school hours, as well as your break time and mealtimes. Once you have your schedule, do your best to stick to it so you can manage your time better.

Plan meals in advance.

Save yourself from unnecessary stress by planning the meals you will cook for the family ahead of time. By doing this, you get to save some time by getting all the ingredients you need at the grocery in one trip during the quarantine. Just make sure to plan a variety of dishes that are easy to prepare, flavorful, and nutritious.

Get the kids involved.

If your kids aren’t too busy, you can ask them to help with some simple tasks in the kitchen like rinsing the vegetables or mixing ingredients. This can also be an opportunity to teach them about kitchen safety when it comes to things like peeling and chopping vegetables to avoid accidents. A few minutes before your meal, ask your kids to help by setting up the table. After eating, they can also help clear the table and put the dirty dishes in the sink. Not only will this help you, but this will also teach your kids responsibility and discipline.

Do the chores immediately.

Try to get the chores done right away. Small stressors, like unfinished kitchen chores, only add up and affect your overall well-being. If tasks are left undone, you may feel more stressed, especially while working or tutoring your kids.  Start small. After eating, you can wash your kitchen tools and tableware, wipe the counters, and throw out the trash immediately. If you don’t feel up to it, don’t think of it as, “I need to clean the kitchen.” Instead, look at it this way: Do you want a clean kitchen? Then, get cleaning.

Invest in the right kitchen equipment.

Solane LPG tankInvest in kitchen tools that can help you save time and cook faster, such as convection ovens, food processors, and instant pots. Also consider kitchen appliances that don’t need too much attention while cooking, like slow cookers. Just put your ingredients in them and they will take care of the cooking process.

This will give you more time to focus on your work and kids’ lessons. In addition, opt for an LPG brand that is made for fast and safe cooking, like Solane. With the help of Solane, you can easily prepare your meals without the hassle or any worries.

For more information, visit or follow on Facebook.

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How meditative journaling can help you get through the day

How meditative journaling can help you get through the day

These times are extra difficult to deal with, especially when it comes to finding a balance between our work and personal lives. Just imagine how a regular day unfolds for a working millennial mom, who tries to hustle while caring for her family, and herself. It may seem like a tough job really, but some of them turned to meditative journaling, also known as mindful writing, as a healing method to get through the day. But how?

It makes them start and learn something new.

writing daily

For working moms who are mostly busy with their responsibilities, there’s this sense of hunger for new discoveries and tasks but they need to be light, rewarding, and easy to maintain, too. The habit of regular writing itself is already a form of a new process – something that is not usually part of our daily lives. But it gives one the freedom to express emotions and create something as they feel it. No pressure. It’s just that joyful connection between the self and those blank pages – the kind of beginning that is comforting than intimidating.

It makes them become more open.

sad womanWorking millennial moms usually feel anxious, unheard, and unseen. It is a struggle to share their sentiments with other people because of the fear that they may not understand it, or simply because they don’t know how to articulate what they’re going through.

For the times that they couldn’t catch up with their friends, journals serve as their perfect outlet. The beauty of writing an entry is that there are no rules or boundaries. They can acknowledge their feelings, rant, or even sketch what they feel. At the end of the day, it’s all about taking a pause, seeking comfort, and finding their light.

It makes them remember more things.

mom juggling tasksJuggling multiple responsibilities at the same time can really make us forget a lot. Meditative journaling can help us find our center and remember all the important things, the little wins, and even our failures.

It’s like the flow and reminder they need every day. By turning various moments into written tangible experiences, they’re able to keep track of time, pay more attention to details, and regain this sense of control.

It makes them respond to their needs quickly.


Narrating your feelings and daily experiences is not only a form of expression but more importantly, it gives you more signs and ideas on how to care for yourself. If you have noticed how the past few weeks have been consecutively rough, maybe it’s time to realign and change your routine or perspective.

If you’ve noticed changes when it comes to your body, maybe it’s time to ask if you’re still okay, happy, or healthy, and make adjustments that are comfortable for you. Listening to yourself is an important element of meditative journaling.

It relaxes them and rewards them at the same time.

starting a journal

Mindful writing is like a me-time that is easy to squeeze in every working woman’s hectic schedule. The key to rewarding mediative journaling is to set a particular time for it and treat it not as an additional assignment, but a form of self-care. Write based on your observations, feelings, reflections, and needs. It’s like talking to yourself – and choosing to be kind to yourself.

Whether you want to keep a journal for growth, self-love, reconnecting with yourself, finding your light, or simply capturing your thoughts and feelings through words, Viviamo offers different styles and formats that could match any undertaking.

BDJ planners and notebooksBelle de Jour (BDJ) Power Planner’s Earth theme inspires you to acknowledge your existence, struggles, and victories, through beautiful, motivational graphics and quotes.

Everything Is Possible design encourages you to take little steps towards your goal, while NAVI’s Lighthouse theme embraces the wanderlust in you.

FOCUS planner reflects ambitions and bold dreams through its geometric designs, while Essentials and Petit collections remain perfect for those on the minimalist, sleek, and elegant side.

Go to to view more of their products, and start your meditative journaling this 2021.

About Viviamo! Inc.

Viviamo logo15 years ago, Viviamo! Inc. which means “WE LIVE” started out as Belle de Jour Power Planner” and has since expanded products and services beyond planners.

Today, Viviamo! Inc. is a growing custom publishing, marketing, and e-commerce company, with an active community of 100,000+ fans, a purpose-driven line of paper products available in retail and online, and collaborations between the country’s top brands and creative talents. Through it all, we seek to empower people to dream, plan, and dare to live their best lives.

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#YouGotThis … Journey through life courageously

#YouGotThis … Journey through life courageously

This a year everyone will remember. As we’ve been locked in our homes, everyday balancing fear and anxiety over the uncertainties brought about by a global pandemic, we hear a quiet rebellion, with some of us saying — oh this year doesn’t count, this year is canceled, my planner is a waste. Yet in this time of great pause, we really cannot deny we are also given the choice to simply be, to get to know ourselves again, to journey deep in that space within where all is well.

Though many of our plans seem to have turned upside down, does that mean we should stop going after our goals and passions? What if we are given this pause to recalibrate, to course-correct, to redesign ourselves? And to help Filipinos continue to journey through life courageously, Viviamo, maker of the Belle de Jour (BDJ) Power Planner, launches its 2021 planner and journal collection on September 19-20, at the First Planning and Journaling Online Summit: #YouGotThis.

#YouGotThis was created because now more than ever, this message needs to be felt, and heard, and passed around. At a time when we must distance ourselves from each other to survive, we can’t ignore the human yearning to still connect–and isn’t it that the most important connection we can make, is with our Inner Selves? When we are forced to strip down to the barest of essentials, we journey deeper within, and with the help of pen and paper, we begin to acknowledge our emotions, start to power through anxiety, again remember our dreams, then recommit to our goals, and in the process, rediscover the strength and power of our innermost  Selves.

It is our hope that with #YouGotThis, we can help every Filipino strengthen that spark of hope within, so we can all journey on, past this pandemic, as stronger and better persons. Our hope for each Filipino is to feel and to believe that #YouGotThis. For this is the year we choose courage over fear. This is the year we choose to trust that we are still worthy of our dreams and that with an open mind, open heart, and open will–we are limitless.

And whatever your space, whatever your psyche, whatever your journaling or planning style, you want a journal or planner that can be a witness to your life. Viviamo promises a 2021 collection like no other; thoughtfully, intuitively, and beautifully designed products to help you achieve whatever you desire and journey courageously through life.

Balance dreams and responsibilities with the 2021 Belle de Jour Power Planner

BDJ Grow with the Earth Planner 2021

Viviamo’s flagship offering, the Belle de Jour Power Planner, inspires you to “Grow with the Earth”. As we experience change and chaos in the present, and even when things aren’t going to plan, there is always a silver lining—that all will eventually be well, and we are in the process of becoming whole again. Now on its 15th year, BDJ recommits to growth with a logo refresh.

The 2021 BDJ Planner features monthly narratives and worksheets to help you stay focused and connected to yourself and motivated on your goals. Meanwhile, the weekly spreads provide enough space for your priorities, schedules, and self-care mantras.

With four beautifully designed covers, the 2021 BDJ planner is the perfect companion for whatever life phase you are going through. Whether you are in for a pause or you are slowing down, remember to journey on with your dreams, and keep planning to live a meaningful life!

Live in the now with 2021 Navi Planner

BDJ Navi 2021Amid very trying times, we hold on to our moral compass, and we search for light. What if that light is already within? NAVI: Your Life Navigator 2021 is inspired by the steadfast beacon of light from the world’s most beautiful Lighthouses.

Significant to seafarers who spend the darkest nights at sea, the lighthouse is an icon of safety, a glorious sight, as though affirming this is the way; trust that wherever you are is where you need to be.

With travel plans on pause globally, NAVI 2021 makes it possible for travel lovers with a virtual “around the world” edition page. When wanderlust strikes, just flip through the pages of NAVI 2021 that feature lighthouses from 12 different countries and the stories behind them. This will include checklists and writing prompts related to traveling.

Let NAVI 2021 inspire you to celebrate how far you’ve come and shone the light on how much farther you want to go.

Trust and Allow life’s possibilities with 2021 Everything is Possible Planner

BDJ Everything is Possible 2021Feeling stuck? It happens to the best of us. The 2021 Everything is Possible Planner is the perfect reminder that right when we feel we can’t handle any more of the mess and the madness of life when we truly commit to the journey, we will experience the breakthrough we’ve all been yearning for. And that is when we realize: each one of us is in the middle of becoming who we are meant to be.

The shards of broken glass on the cover of the 2021 Everything is Possible Planner shows us the beauty of breakthroughs. Transformation only happens when you embrace vulnerability and allow yourself to first be broken.

The life you’ve always wanted is just waiting for you outside of the glass walls you built yourself. All you need is to trust and to be open to possibilities.

Find your center with 2021 Focus Journal

BDJ Focus 2021 JournalThe Focus 2021 Journal is all about creating positive changes within yourself. These changes are meant to prepare you for life’s inevitable challenges. Quite significantly, each page of the journal is decorated with the icosahedron, a three-dimensional figure that is made of 20 triangle-shaped sides.

This structure is believed to represent change and the movement and flow it creates. Said to be connected to the water — an element that adapts to the shape of the container and is both destructive and life-giving — the icosahedron channels your life force or chakra to help balance your emotions, allowing you to generate and heal.

The 2021 Focus dividers highlight powerful words that are significant to change.

Start anew with the 2021 Essentials Planner 

BDJ 2021 Essentials PlannerThe great thing about a new year is that you are given the chance to start with a clean slate. With the 2021 Essentials Planner, you can do just that with its clean and unstructured pages specifically designated for bullet journaling or creative journaling.

This year, the cover designs are influenced by Art Deco which is popular in the field of architecture. The intention of the design is to have a sleek and elegant feel.

Plan anywhere with the 2021 Petit Planner

2021 Petit PlannerFor the on-the-go, the 2021 Petit Planner is just the perfect companion. Portable and handy, this planner allows you to give a quick overview of your plans and schedules. The neon minimalist typography on the cover is modern and unisex.

This year, Viviamo also journeys toward sustainability. All 2021 Viviamo Planners are all Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified which means that products are made with sustainably sourced paper that was produced with responsible forestry in mind.

The Viviamo 2021 Planner Collection is here. Our circumstances may have changed, but the future belongs to all of us who journey on. Continue your courageous journey by journaling with the new collection of Viviamo available at and in all major bookstores nationwide.

About Viviamo! Inc.

Viviamo logo15 years ago, Viviamo! Inc. which means “WE LIVE” started out as Belle de Jour Power Planner” and has since expanded products and services beyond planners.

Today, Viviamo! Inc. is a growing custom publishing, marketing, and e-commerce company, with an active community of 100,000+ fans, a purpose-driven line of paper products available in retail and online, and collaborations between the country’s top brands and creative talents. Through it all, we seek to empower people to dream, plan, and dare to live their best lives.

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It’s the year of the Sams! A strong finish for a nursing student and a fitness coach

It’s the year of the Sams! A strong finish for a nursing student and a fitness coach

In a landmark event hailed as a strong and successful finish amid the pandemic, Century Tuna Superbods 2020 named nursing student and ESL instructor Samantha Ashley Lo and fitness coach and professional model Sam Ajdani as the Century Tuna Everybod Superbod title holders. The most anticipated health and fitness event of the year was also a momentous occasion as it set the standards for future online events in the new normal.

Held at the Blue Leaf Cosmopolitan in Quezon City, the finals event followed strict adherence to the FDCP-DOH-DOLE safety protocols for film and audio-visual shoots.

Greg Banzon“We needed to rise up to the challenge. We knew it was going to be tough but we stayed focused and if we’re able to pull this off successfully then at least we are able to provide a template for the industry to learn from and use. We soldiered on despite the challenges to show that it can be done,” said Century Pacific Food Inc. EVP & COO Greg Banzon.

He also added, “It’s important to stage the event to provide inspiration and a good benchmark for the country to put health, wellness, and fitness as the top priority.”

The success of the event amid the pandemic made their victory even more memorable for both Samantha (27) and Sam (30).

Sam Adjani

Sam Adjani

Sam, who is a professional commercial model, admitted that one of the most challenging parts of the competition was trying to stay healthy given the restrictions of the pandemic.

Samantha Ashley Lo

Samantha Ashley Lo

Meanwhile, Samantha, who is a former Miss Grand International Philippines winner, had to strengthen her focus and remain creative in her home workouts, even when she could not go to the gym. Their persistence and commitment to stay strong and focused paid off when they were proclaimed winners of the biggest health and fitness competition in the country.

Samantha and Sam bested 25 other Superbods candidates and will each take home Php 500,000 tax-free cash and other amazing prizes. Both winners passed rigorous digital challenges required during the competition to emerge as the new ambassadors of Century Tuna Superbods 2020 — health and fitness advocates who are passionate about promoting health and wellness as an everyday commitment, especially during these trying times. They are also exceptional individuals who remain optimistic and believe in getting back up again even after falling so many times.

Meanwhile, the runners-up were Superbod 2020 Stunner Candice Ramos and Superbod 2020 Ageless Erie Matic. Other candidates who took home special awards were Shirley Garcia, Zai Ebido, Enzo Bonoan, Samantha Purvor, Philippe Magalona, Nelson Banzuela, Key Trajano, Albert Lorenzo, and Grace Del Rosario.

The 25 finalists were all strong contenders, showcasing inspiring traits and skills to encourage themselves and their fellow Filipinos to keep going and remain healthy and strong during these trying times.

The finalists were judged by a distinguished panel of judges. Joining Century Pacific Food Inc. EVP & COO Greg Banzon, Century Tuna Marketing Director Carlo Endaya, triathlete and SEA Games gold medalist Nikko Huelgas, GMA Network Senior Assistant Vice President for alternative productions Gigi Santiago-Lara, Isabelle Daza, Alice Dixson, Sarah Lahbati, Ina Raymundo, and DJ Toni Tony.

The health and fitness competition was relaunched last July 25 with a more inclusive and relevant #StayStrongPilipinas theme. To signal its resumption, Century Tuna released a rousing video via its official Facebook page (, featuring Century Tuna celebrity ambassadors Nadine Lustre and Alden Richards with the Superbods finalists urging everyone to stay strong and to continue pursuing their dreams of a healthier future through proper diet and exercise.

To relive the “Century Tuna EverybodSuperbod 2020” finals, visit and follow Century Tuna’s Facebook page, @centurytuna, or Instagram @centurytunasuperbods.

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NOVUHAIR® Supports Alopecia Philippines

NOVUHAIR® Supports Alopecia Philippines

September 2020 marks the seven (7) fruitful years of collaboration between NOVUHAIR®, the leading hair loss treatment in the country, and THE ALOPECIA PHILIPPINES, a group founded in 2012 by singer and songwriter Abby Asistio.

“VICTORIOUS, Rising Above Alopecia and the Pandemic Together” is this year’s official online gathering theme LIVE at When in Manila’s Facebook page on Saturday, September 26, 2020 (3 pm to 8 pm). Everyone is invited to witness this momentous event.


Abby Asistio is currently one of the ambassadors and the Inspirational VIP Coach of NOVUHAIR®, nature’s answer to hair loss, which she has been using since March 2013.

Know more about NOVUHAIR® at

#NovuhairxAlopeciaPhilippines #AlopeciaAwareness #NovuhairCares #NovuhairxAbbyAsistio

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