The woman behind the vision

The woman behind the vision

ideal-vision-centerIdeal Vision Center (IVC) is already a household name in the eye health care industry for more than three decades but according to Joy Go, IVC assistant vice president for marketing and merchandising, the vision should not stop there. She believes that the company’s reputation should be treated as an opportunity to continue to educate, innovate and research for the benefit of Filipinos.

joy-go“In the Philippines, eye health care is not a priority and we aim to change that mindset. It’s a long, ongoing process especially with the fast-changing business landscape but we look forward to seeing the light at the end of it,” Go says.

Go, whose grandfather launched Ideal Optical, is confident and determined to achieve their goals. As head of branding, marketing and merchandising, Go is also always finding new opportunities to explore, expand and discover new solutions to make eye care accessible to everyone.

Despite growing up in a family of eye care professionals, Go’s involvement in the eye care industry is not a childhood dream. Her initial passion was on food which explains why she has a degree in Culinary Arts and Related Services. Her interest in eyewear and eye care was piqued only when she started working part-time in IVC.

“More than the technicalities behind being an optometrist, I find the marketing and research side of the business very endearing. Aside from that, I am also very interested in eyewear fashion,” Go stated.


Go got her degree in optometry at the Centro Escolar University and joined the family business in 2002. She still loves to cook and says the key to finding a balance between two passions is “you don’t give up one or the other but enjoy both at the same time.”

The eye doctor also noted that being in the eye care industry gave her a meaningful purpose of taking care of other people’s needs and well-being. It has also become important to her to provide only the best vision solutions. “We always try to find the most advanced products, to offer more advanced and better products to our patients.”

To be able to do that, Go noted the importance of partnering with brands that share their vision. Hence, their partnership with Essilor, the world’s number one ophthalmic company that offers complete vision solution through its wide range of products including Crizal, Transitions and Varilux, gives them an opportunity to provide clients an access to world-class eye care products.

essilor logo“Partnering with Essilor for more than 32 years is the best move we made to improve our service to our customers. We at IVC, knows that Essilor share the same vision with us – to offer top-notch eye health care to Filipinos,” she said.

Aside from this vision, the eye doctor furthered about her personal goal on leaving a legacy in the eye health care industry. “It is my ambition, through IVC, to leave a legacy and be a part of every Filipino’s eye health care routine. It is a long and challenging path but we will never stop improving and finding solutions so that quality eye health care will be more convenient and accessible to all,” Go says.

Eye Can Succeed bags the award

Eye Can Succeed bags the award

Essilor’s Eye Can Succeed has once again bagged awards from yet another prestigious award-giving body, the 2018 Philippine Quill Awards held at the Marriott Grand Ballroom.

Essilor’s Eye Can Succeed, which received the merit award for Communication Management under the Corporate Social Responsibility category, aims to help Filipino senior high school students achieve better sight by providing free eye check-ups and giving free eyeglasses to those in need.

The Eye Can Succeed campaign is a program launched last year by Essilor Vision Foundation (EVF), the philanthropic arm of Essilor which is committed to eliminating poor vision and providing underprivileged people the opportunity to live a better life through better sight.

The Philippine Quill Awards is presented by the local division of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), and honors dedication, innovation and passion of communicators on a global scale. For more information, visit Essilor’s website at, and follow @EssilorPH on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Essilor Vision Foundation launched Marawi 2020

Essilor Vision Foundation launched Marawi 2020

Essilor Vision Foundation (EVF), the philanthropic arm of Essilor, the world’s leading ophthalmic optics company, in partnership with the Integrated Philippine Association of Optometrists (IPAO), recently launched Marawi 2020, an advocacy campaign dedicated to bringing free eye care and 20,000 eye-glasses to residents of Marawi by year 2020.

It is also set to create a sustainable access to vision care by creating an Eye & Vision Clinic at the Department of Health (DOH) Hospital in Marawi and providing livelihood to local optometrists.

Present during the event were (L-R): Essilor Philippines marketing executive JV Velasco and marketing manager Jinky Navo, EVF ASEAN head Germaine Lye, Marawi City senior consultant on Health and Social Services Dr. Emelda Gandamra-Taib, Essilor regional VP for ASEAN and Korea Kathy Park, Essilor Philippines general manager Dr. Emelita Roleda, Essilor marketing head for AMERA (Asia Pacific, Middle East, Russia and Africa) Ivan Chuavon and Essilor commercial manager Dr. Kyle Galias.

Embrace 40, age gracefully

Embrace 40, age gracefully

half-faceTurning 40 can make women start feeling old. To beat the creeping signs of aging such as wrinkles and graying hair, they invest in anti-aging cosmetics and aesthetic products to give them a younger and fresher look.

But some women overlook another natural part of aging – near-vision blurriness or presbyopia. They don’t want to wear eyeglasses with bifocal lenses which seems to be obvious signs of aging.

Bifocal lenses have distinct lines that sit horizontally across the lenses for two areas of vision correction, near and far. Older people whose eyesight has grown dimmer wear them.


Essilor, the world leader in ophthalmic optics and a key player in visual health, offers an age-defying solution that not only gives a youthful and modern look, but also corrects presbyopia and gives people freedom and comfort to live life to the fullest. Varilux® progressive lenses provide women the confidence to face the daily challenges of aging by eliminating all visible lines or points of focus for the eyes.

VariluxNear or far, Varilux®, the world leader in progressive lenses, gives dynamic clarity whatever the distance. It is also perfect for those with active lifestyle. All Varilux® lenses are tested to ensure satisfaction, including fast and easy adaptation.

Varilux by EssilorTurning 40 is not to be feared. It can be the best time to explore new opportunities to look better while also seeing better! Correct presbyopia while maintaining a sharp, sophisticated look with Varilux®.

For more information, visit Essilor’s website at, and follow @EssilorPH on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

About Essilor

essilor logoThe world’s leading ophthalmic optics company, Essilor designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of lenses to improve and protect eyesight. Its corporate mission is to enable everyone around the world to access lenses that meet his or her unique visual requirements.

To support this vision, the Company allocates over €160 million to research and development every year, in a commitment to continuously bring new, more effective products to market. Essilor’s flagship brands are Varilux®, Crizal®, Crizal Transitions® and Crizal Evezen®.

It also develops and markets equipment, instruments and services for eyecare professionals.

Essilor reported consolidated revenue of €4.9 billion in 2012 and employs around 50,700 people in some 100 countries. It operates 19 plants, a total of 390 prescription laboratories and edging facilities, as well as several research and development centers around the world.

Essilor was classified by Forbes magazine as being among the world’s 30 most innovative companies.

Eye Can Succeed at University of Makati

Eye Can Succeed at University of Makati

Essilor Vision Foundation (EVF)’s Eye Can Succeed campaign had another successful run at the Higher School ng University of Makati (HSU). During the event, EVF staff examined the eyesight of more than 6,000 HSU students in grades 11 and 12. Prescription glasses were also distributed to those in need.

The event was also made possible with the help of volunteer optometrists and HSU students led by Dean Engr. Estrella Chan (third from left). The advocacy is set to visit other public high schools in Metro Manila and targets to provide free eye check up and prescription glasses to 10,000 Filipino senior high school students so they can pursue higher education and achieve success through better vision.

Also in photo are (L-R) Essilor Philippines optometrists and lens consultants Dr. Donna Acibar, Dr. Jennifer Parmerola and Dr. Jane Radovan; marketing executive JV Velasco; and marketing specialist Renze Sevilla.

For more information, visit Essilor’s website at, and follow @EssilorPH on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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