Piolo Pascual for Eye Can Succeed Advocacy Campaign of Essilor

Piolo Pascual for Eye Can Succeed Advocacy Campaign of Essilor

Top actor and eye health awareness advocate, Piolo Pascual, was recently appointed by the Essilor Vision Foundation (EVF) to personally lead the launch of its Eye Can Succeed advocacy campaign.

Eye Can Succeed aims to provide free eye check-ups and free prescription eyeglasses for 10,000 Filipino public high school students as they pursue higher education and achieve success.

The campaign supports EVF’s commitments to eliminate poor vision and its lifelong consequences, as well as to grant the underprivileged the opportunity to live a better life through better sight.

During the Eye Can Succeed kick-off at Rizal High School, Pascual gave a brief talk to inspire Filipino senior high school students to persevere more in their studies and never stop reaching for their dreams despite the challenges that come their way. He said, “I know how hard it is to study when faced with problems, especially poor eyesight. This campaign is set to alleviate this concern. So now, it’s up to you, students, to do your best and reach for your dreams.”

Four thousand students in grades 11 and 12 went through a series of eye exams conducted by volunteer eye care professionals. Those who showed signs of vision problems received free prescription glasses.

Lauren Wyper, Essilor Vision Foundation (EVF) associate director of communications remarked, “Launching the Eye Can Succeed campaign in the Philippines not only helps fulfill the foundation’s mission of enabling Filipinos to have better lives through better sight, but also helps spread awareness on the importance of proper eye care through an expanded network consisting of academic institutions, the media, and local campaign ambassador Piolo Pascual.”

For more information about EVF and the Eye Can Succeed advocacy, please visit Essilor’s website at www.essilor.com.ph, and follow @EssilorPH on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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