True Luna by Tessa Lilly

True Luna by Tessa Lilly

I started to read True Luna by Tessa Lilly on iReader because I was curious how this rejection would play out. There are so many stories lately of female lead characters being rejected by their mate that I was interested to see what direction the author would go. Will she immediately find her second chance mate? Will she run away and become rogue? Is her mate a bad guy?

After she shifted on her 18th birthday she discovers that her fated mate is the Alpha of her pack, Logan. As soon as he realized this he decided that he would reject her “for the good of the pack” because the pack needs a strong Luna. This obviously implies that he thinks she is weak.

In Tessa Lilly’s world, rejecting a true mate does not really break the bond, it simply frees them to find a chosen mate. This means that until they mark their chosen mate, they will still feel the connection to their true mate. That is so messed up! I wanted Emma to choose and get marked by Jacob, stat!

This story is riveting. I reached that point where I’d used up all my vouchers and coins and I will now have to purchase to read on. Fyi, reading on iReader is EXPENSIVE. One chapter is worth 180 coins/vouchers. On Goodnovel, most chapters only cost 35 coins. I’d already tried purchasing on iReader and it was shocking how quickly all my coins and vouchers disappeared. shudder In desperation I tried to check if the book is on Amazon.

To my joy, True Luna by Tessa Lilly is on Amazon, yes!!! Both books 1 and 2 are there and cost $4.99 a piece with book 3 in the works. I didn’t even quibble. I immediately tapped both books to purchase. After all, it is cheaper than reading on the app. This story falls under the young adult/teen romance category so it is not as steamy as most of the books I read but I think it is totally worth it!  You should give it a gander on Goodnovel or iReader and read the free chapters to help you decide if you will want to purchase these books as well.


On reading apps books 1 and 2 are just one book but because of Amazon restrictions on the number of pages, it was split into 2 books.


Four books in the series are now published with 1 more coming soon. Here they are with the revamped covers. The cover you see in the feature photo is the original book cover for this series. Click on the covers below to be brought directly to the Amazon page of the book. Unlike the others, the last book appears to be in paperback format (for now).

His Pet by Bryant

His Pet by Bryant

His Pet by Bryant reminds me of the early years of the X-Men when humans had difficulty accepting meta-humans, especially when the meta-humans have physical attributes that make it obvious they aren’t normal. Such is the case with Adder, a female with the physical attributes of a snake, hence her name. I suppose this makes Mason akin to Professor X since he appears fully human but actually has strong meta abilities.

When they first met Adder was a minor while Mason was a freshman at University. She attempted to pick his pocket thinking him an easy mark but, of course, got caught. And that is where their unusual friendship began.

His Pet by Bryant is a romance but it is a slow burn. For one thing, we had to wait for Adder to be old enough to even get romantically involved with anyone.

After reading so many books where it seems that the main characters fall into each other’s arms within the first 3 chapters, it is a refreshing change to have characters grow and mature together and not instantly fall in love. We know it will go there, but we don’t know how long it will take and where the journey will take them.

Fyi, it reads like a movie or a tv series, and probably 98% of the book is PG-13. I truly enjoyed this story and I would highly recommend it. Within the pages of this book, you will find action, drama, romance, and attempts to address social issues. If this is up your alley, His Pet by Bryant is available on Goodnovel and on Amazon.

Alpha Zander by V. Turner

Alpha Zander by V. Turner

Alpha Zander by Vanessa Turner is a love story I would put in the young adult/teen section. It is set in high school where the main characters are both in their senior year.

Zander is the son of the current Alpha of the Charwood pack. He is popular and always has a bevy of she-wolves in his wake. Ashleigh is the daughter of the current Beta of the Liverpool pack and has been trained to replace her dad when the time comes.

Because of an old rivalry involving witches and spells and general misunderstanding, Charwood and Liverpool have been at each other’s necks for several generations. The school, though, is on neutral ground and they are forced to be civil to each other.

In V. Turner’s world, werewolves will not be able to sense their mate until both parties are at least 18 years old. While it is generally expected that they would wait for their mates, many wolves don’t. You can just imagine Zander’s dismay when he discovers that Ashleigh is his mate while he is making out with another she-wolf.

While there are events that happen to make this story more exciting, Alpha Zander by Vanessa Turner is essentially a love story and revolves around the evolution of Zander and Ashleigh’s relationship and the acceptance of their corresponding families and packs. It promises HEA with a cliffhanger on what will happen in the next book (which is actually quite intriguing).

This story is available on Goodnovel and possibly on other reading apps.

The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

My long-awaited review of The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper is finally here! Lol! I actually finished reading it days ago but I kept rewinding to some parts I really liked so I couldn’t “officially” say I was done.

This story is definitely a love story, to be specific, it is a courtship, which I find uncommon in most werewolf stories I’ve read. For most werewolf stories, once they find their mates they’re immediately at it like rabbits. Their age, of course, is a factor as both parties have to be of age to feel the mate bond.

It’s a love triangle and I confess to initially rooting for the other guy. Liam is older, an established Alpha, and was really into Cara … enough to choose her, not just wait for fate to tell him she is his mate. Based on the way Cara was attracted to him, it was a very strong possibility.

I’ve always wondered about the make-out scenes, though. This is not isolated to this book. Many authors seem to be of the opinion that only penetration equals sex. Therefore, they can get naked and do everything but that doesn’t mean they’ve had sex yet. This, I believe, was the Bill Clinton argument. According to him all Monica Lewinsky did was suck him off so, technically, they never had sex. But there is a reason it is called oral sex.

So … if a guy gets a girl’s top off and sucks on her breasts then has his hand under her skirt doing “unspeakable things” between her legs they’re still not having sex, even though his fingers are buried inside her. For me, that level of intimacy … if we get close to anyone’s privates … is already sex, just not penetrative sex.

For the training scenes, I would love to see that on the screen. The way they were described got my blood pumping and couldn’t help but wish there was a video to accompany the story. 😀

I would highly recommend The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper. You can find it on Goodnovel. The story is fast-paced and the author writes so well that I found my anticipation levels at a 10 just waiting for Cara to turn 18.

Shy Girls Can’t Date at Christmas by Milly Rose

Shy Girls Can’t Date at Christmas by Milly Rose

It is nearly Christmas I decided to give Shy Girls Can’t Date at Christmas by Milly Rose a try. This book is definitely targeted at a younger audience such as teenagers.

The story for me was confusing because it didn’t feel like the author had her thoughts together when she started writing.  This is why outlining is essential. It takes several chapters to answer basic questions like … what happened to the neighborhood? How can the death of Ava’s mom have such a devastating effect on everyone who lived in their cul-de-sac that everyone (literally everyone!) seemed to cease functioning normally? Why is Beau’s mom upset with Ava? Why does Ava’s dad hate Beau? I don’t understand!

I don’t even think calling Ava shy is appropriate. Before her mom passed away she wasn’t so freaked out all the time. Being freaked out is not synonymous with being shy. If at all, the only time she really exhibited behavior that could be deemed shy is in the first two or three chapters.

After ten chapters we discover that Beau’s “acting out” started as a way to get his parents’ attention. How original! (sigh) And, apparently, four years later, even after he acknowledges this as truth, he still can’t help but continue to do it even though he says “it is useless”. How does that make sense? Also, he stopped being a bully when he was able to spend time with Ava.

Twenty chapters in and while a relationship develops between the two, I still don’t know why there is a stick up the parents’ collective butts. I think it is an important detail that will help explain and perhaps resolve parental issues in the book.

To be honest, I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I hoped I would since I love young love and Christmas stories. At best I would say it is okay. It’s on Amazon if you want to give it a try.

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