I did a quick review last August 2022 of Sweet Revenge by Kalenca and posted it on Facebook and Instagram. When I revisited the post I felt that it was insufficient so here is a more comprehensive post.

From the way the story is written, I would guess that the author is probably Chinese, based on the stereotypical cultural references … women not being good enough to become head of a company, all the bowing, all the slapping (seriously!), and being stigmatized for having sex before marriage even if it is rape.

What intrigued me about this story that got me to read it is that it is between a transgender man (Antonio, formerly Antonia) and a gay man (Damian) who fall in love with each other. But let me back up … they met in a former life accidentally when Damian inadvertently raped Antonia thinking she was the hooker his father hired. At the time, his father had dosed him with a drug akin to Viagra to force him to have sex with a woman. This was because Damian’s father would not accept that Damian is gay.

Antonia, at the time, was inebriated and tricked by her cousin into entering a hotel room to rest as she intended for someone to rape her. Antonia accidentally ended up in the wrong room, which is where Damian found her.

Disowned, ostracized, and later, Antonia discovers she is pregnant from the rape. Never having been comfortable in her own skin, she made the choice to transition after giving birth and took on the guise of Antonio and ends up working for Damian, the man who raped her, as his bodyguard!

The way the story is written (as in the language) is repetitive and, at times, redundant, and I am assuming it is either because English is not the author’s first language or the author is young. DEFINITELY, the author did not get a copy editor.

With a title like Sweet Revenge, it will make one wonder who the revenge is targeted towards. I’d recommend that you read this book and find out. Sweet Revenge by Kalenca is on Goodnovel and has only 157 chapters so it is, thankfully, a normal novel length. I think you will enjoy the story. I know I did.

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