I started and stopped reading Billionaire Bad Boys: An Off-Limits Romance by Lacy Nash so many times, I really wanted to give it a chance but I wasn’t getting engaged. The pace of the story is very slow. The first time they meet we see the spark but it isn’t until chapter 19 that we get Bryan’s POV and find out for certain that he is attracted to her, too.

The pulse of this story is just steady. Barely anything happens to make a beat jump up. We have Jackson’s stalking and Matilda’s predictable protective society matron attitude. One would think those would be enough but with most of the story being from Lily’s POV we aren’t really getting the whole picture, just her thoughts.

Bryan is reputedly a billionaire playboy but I have yet to see him do anything that would qualify as bad, really. If anything, he actually looks pretty angelic to me. Conflicts resolve themselves quickly without too much drama or build-up. It’s just too pat for me.

After 20+ chapters they acknowledge their mutual attraction and become an item. Yes, it takes more than 20 chapters for them to even hold hands. Maybe I’m just not the target audience but I feel I have read better stuff from this author. You should still try it when it comes out. It might be your cup of tea, it just isn’t for me. It isn’t yet but it should be out on Amazon soon.

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