Another installment in the Love by Numbers 2 series, Seven Tattoo Artists and a Single Mom by Nicole Casey, connects to the previous story in the series, Six Hockey Players’ Rival. The female lead character, Madison, is the older sister of Leah from the previous book.
The story is certainly steamy, but I thought that things happened so fast. Even though it took at least a month for Madison to get into anything intimate with anyone, it was also at least a month of not talking to any of them.
All she knew about them were their names and what they looked like. The only ones she got to spend meaningful time with at the beginning were Taj (who drew her tattoo), Bryce (who inked her), and Marcus (who drove her to fetch a sick Chloe from school). I can’t recall who held her hand while she was being inked if it was Baker.
My point is … where was the courtship?
That’s just my take. I think there should be a little more romance before intimacy. I love the romance (ish) feels after, although it kind of went from them being strangers to suddenly taking on the role of lover to Madison and father figure to Chloe.
She also didn’t ease her way into an RH situation. She went from having no sex life to being with three men after one kinky conversation with Ti. Literal conversation, btw, as in they talked about kinks.
Is it hot? Yes. Is it enjoyable to read? Yes. Do I have questions? Yes. Would I recommend it? Sure! I say enjoy it for what it is and keep an open mind. And, most importantly … have fun!
You can find Love by Numbers 2 series, Seven Tattoo Artists and a Single Mom by Nicole Casey on Amazon, free with Kindle Unlimited.
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