World Business Outlook Awards 2023: Benchmark for Ultimate Business Excellence

World Business Outlook Awards 2023: Benchmark for Ultimate Business Excellence

World Business Outlook Awards 2023: Benchmark for Ultimate Business Excellence

falseWorld Business Outlook is elated to announce the recipients of the top honours for its 2023 Annual Awards. It is one of the much-anticipated global events that recognizes and facilitates companies and professionals dedicated to transforming their respective domains via innovation, striving for excellence and committed to building a strong community of loyalists for their company. The prestigious Award Event is going to happen on November 25, 2023 at Marriott Marquis, Queen’s Park, Bangkok, Thailand.

As per Ujal Nair, Editor of World Business Outlook, “In 2023, we faced challenges in selecting the winners as many companies in various parts of the globe had given their best to introduce products and services that received acclaim from the target audience. With Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning making a mark in many industries, the standards of choosing the Award Winners have become a challenge. Nevertheless, our Honourable Jury were able to select the most deserved professionals and brands from across the globe.”

In selecting the winners, various criteria were considered ranging from profitability, increase in geographic reach, business development, growth in assets, innovation, credit ratings, strategic relationships and more.

This Global Award Event will include contribution from global companies belonging to Banks, FinTech, non-banking financial sector, Forex trading, cybersecurity, logistics, real estate, asset management funding, co-operative banks and wealth management corporations.

The dignitaries list will comprise of many distinguished guests such as CIOs, CFOs, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Start-up enthusiasts, industry leaders and experts.

By attending this global event, you can expect:

To gather expert insights and inputs from experts who are from the biggest companies in the Banking, Finance & Technology industryYou can become a part of the most meaningful discussions with the sharpest minds belonging to insurance, retail, wealth management company’s Heads, CFOs and CEOs.

This prestigious event is presented by BigBoss, co-powered by FBS, VPS Securities, supported by GAF Design Studio, The Urban Office, Bashundhara Housing and Alandalus Property.

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Meet DIRI – Your New Edutainment Obsession!

Meet DIRI – Your New Edutainment Obsession!

Introducing DIRI, an edutainment streaming service that sets to transform learning and development, and it’s available for corporates. With their Limited Early Adopter Package, employers can secure corporate licences.

Introducing DIRI, an edutainment streaming service that sets to transform learning and development

A significant shift in Malaysia’s educational landscape takes place as DIRI, a pioneering edutainment streaming service. Unveiling its approach to Resonance Learning, DIRI combines education and entertainment in a unique blend, poised to redefine traditional education and corporate training. This innovative platform is designed to captivate and educate Malaysians through engaging content from some of the nation’s foremost experts, inviting them to learn from and interact with the brightest minds in the country.

The platform features an impressive array of mentors, including Tan Sri Nazir Razak, former CEO and Chairman of CIMB Group; Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Abdul Wahid Omar, Chairman of Bursa Malaysia; Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Tony Fernandes, a notable figure in aviation; Dato’ Hamidah Naziadin, former Group Chief People Officer of CIMB Group; Malaysia’s first astrophysicist Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Mazlan binti Othman; and Datuk Nicol David, an eight-time women’s world squash champion. These mentors share valuable insights on leadership, communication, mindset, innovation, and more through immersive, high-definition cinematic videos.

Sheng Wong, the founder of DIRI, was driven by the goal to make learning more engaging and effective, primarily through the power of storytelling. Sheng identified a gap in the market, particularly during his time in a digital marketing agency, where off-the-shelf courses often fell short of the unique demands of his agency. Transitioning from a concept-driven approach to one that incorporated real-life experiences into his teaching at his agency. Sheng shares, “I realised the true impact of storytelling in learning when I began sharing real-life problem-solving experiences with my clients. It was me, in a chair, a story, and an audience that connected with me. That’s when I truly grasped the power of a good story to connect, resonate, inspire, and engage with learners.”

This realisation led to the creation of DIRI, which is grounded in DIRI’s four core principles:
1. Resonate first, then teach
2. Teach life lessons that stick
3. Education that is entertaining
4. Providing access to the very best in the nation

DIRI offers a broad spectrum of topics, from Leadership to Innovation, catering to various learning needs. It combines educational content with high-quality production, creating an enjoyable learning experience. Designed for flexibility, DIRI’s courses are accessible on both desktop and mobile, in full-length or bite-sized lessons, catering to diverse learning preferences.

Tunku Ali Redhauddin bin Tuanku Muhriz, co-founder of DIRI, brings his diverse experience from across various sectors, including private equity, education, and public service. He views DIRI as more than a learning platform; it’s a movement to equip Malaysians with crucial life, leadership, and management skills, beyond academic achievements, as he emphasised in his opening address, “DIRI is not just a platform; it is a movement. A movement dedicated to equipping Malaysians, from high-potential performers to executives, first-time job seekers, and even the underprivileged, with more than academic excellence. We aim to foster life, leadership, and management skills that complements conventional learning.” Tunku Ali’s vision aligns perfectly with the evolving needs of modern learners.

As DIRI debuts in Malaysia, we aim to make learning not only informative but also stimulating and engaging. At the heart of DIRI is a community where Malaysians can share their stories and perspectives, fostering a new generation of skilled individuals. DIRI’s vision is to eventually provide every Malaysian with the opportunity to learn from the best, offering a mentorship experience that was previously inaccessible. This platform harnesses the power of storytelling to create a more relatable, impactful, and enduring learning experience, led by some of Malaysia’s most esteemed figures.


DIRI is transforming corporate learning, and it’s available for corporates. With their Limited Early Adopter Package, employers can secure corporate licences. This exclusive offer provides access to DIRI’s premium library of courses, empowering your team with valuable skills and insights. Plus, DIRI for Business is fully HRDC claimable, making it an ideal choice for companies looking to invest in the development of their workforce.

Transform your team with DIRI and lead the way in the evolving corporate world. Visit today and shape the future of corporate learning with DIRI. 

Discover more about DIRI for Business by watching the trailer on DIRI’s YouTube channel, which highlights the product features, topic range, and upcoming courses.


Watch the replay of the Unveiling of DIRI on YouTube.


This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

TV TOKYO Meluncurkan Saluran YouTube Baru, Menghadirkan J-Anime dan Drama dengan Subtitle Bahasa Indonesia

TV TOKYO Meluncurkan Saluran YouTube Baru, Menghadirkan J-Anime dan Drama dengan Subtitle Bahasa Indonesia

TV TOKYO Meluncurkan Saluran YouTube Baru, Menghadirkan J-Anime dan Drama dengan Subtitle Bahasa Indonesia

TV TOKYO, salah satu stasiun penyiaran terestrial terkemuka di Jepang, dengan antusias mengumumkan peluncuran saluran YouTube barunya yang dikhususkan untuk anime dan drama Jepang, dengan subtitle Bahasa Indonesia yang dibuat khusus untuk masyarakat Indonesia dan Malaysia. Sebagai bagian dari perayaan ulang tahunnya yang ke-60 pada tahun 2024, inisiatif inovatif ini menandai langkah besar dalam sejarah panjang stasiun tersebut.

TV TOKYO, yang dikenal sebagai salah satu
stasiun penyiaran terestrial terdepan di Jepang, dengan bangga mengumumkan
peluncuran saluran YouTube baru mereka, TV TOKYO WW @tvtokyoww8950, yang
didedikasikan untuk menyajikan anime dan drama Jepang dengan subtitle Bahasa
Indonesia, khusus untuk penonton di Indonesia dan Malaysia untuk waktu yang terbatas. Inisiatif ini merupakan bagian dari
perayaan mendatang TV TOKYO yang akan merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-60 pada
tahun 2024, menandai langkah signifikan dalam sejarah panjang mereka.Image

Dengan komitmen untuk menyediakan hiburan
berkualitas tinggi, saluran YouTube TV TOKYO ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi
permintaan yang terus bertumbuh akan konten anime dan drama Jepang di Indonesia
dan Malaysia. Dengan menjembatani kesenjangan bahasa melalui subtitle Bahasa
Indonesia, saluran ini bertujuan untuk membawa dunia anime dan drama Jepang
yang menarik ke penonton Indonesia dan Malaysia seperti belum pernah terjadi

Saluran ini akan terus menambah judul dan episode
baru ke dalam daftarnya setiap bulan, memberikan penonton Indonesia dan Malaysia
berbagai pilihan anime dan drama. Baik Anda penggemar berpengalaman atau baru
dalam genre yang penuh warna ini, ini adalah kesempatan sempurna untuk menyerap
dunia penceritaan Jepang.


Di antara judul-judul yang akan ditampilkan
adalah “My Guardian Characters,” yang menceritakan tentang Amu,
seorang gadis yang menjadi iri hati di sekolahnya karena sikapnya yang bossy,
tetapi sebenarnya dia pemalu dan kurang percaya diri. Ini adalah kisah tentang
seorang gadis yang mendapatkan telur ajaib dan bertransformasi menjadi apapun
yang dia inginkan. “Squid Girl,” yang sangat populer di Jepang, menceritakan
tentang Squid Girl yang lelah dengan orang-orang egois yang mencemari laut,
memutuskan untuk menghancurkan sebuah rumah pantai di darat, tetapi segera
ditangkap dan dipaksa bekerja sebagai pelayan. “Skip Beat” mengikuti
kisah protagonis yang dikhianati oleh pacarnya saat ia mulai berkembang di
industri hiburan. Dia mencoba menjadi idola sendiri untuk membalas dendam
padanya. “Fairy Musketeers,” di mana seorang anak laki-laki tersesat
ke dunia dongeng misterius dan, dengan bantuan Red Riding Hood yang adil,
menghadapi inkarnasi kejahatan seperti Sleeping Beauty dan Cinderella. “Tactics” adalah kisah tentang seorang folkloris yang berkelana dan merupakan pengusir setan. Dengan bantuan makhluk roh yang kuat, ia mengungkap misteri berbagai fenomena psikis.

Dalam kategori drama, “Brave
Yoshihiko” adalah drama petualangan live-action yang merekreasi dunia RPG
Dragon Quest. Saat wabah misterius menyebar, seorang pemuda yang jujur dan
murni, Yoshihiko (diperankan oleh Takayuki Yamada), dipilih sebagai pahlawan
dan memulai perjalanan untuk menyelamatkan desanya. “Care to Listen?”
dibintangi oleh mantan anggota grup Nogizaka, Marika Ito, yang memainkan
karakter utama yang menyampaikan podcast dengan semua “suka”nya
sambil menikmati makanan lezat dari restoran rantai yang “bisa ditemukan
di setiap kota, tidak ada yang spesial tapi Anda tidak bisa menolaknya”.
Riko Fukumoto (Rico) membintangi “Escape From The History Maze”
sebagai drama serial terestrial pertamanya. Ini adalah komedi sci-fi baru di
mana seorang gadis SMA yang girly dan konyol kembali ke masa lalu dan
memecahkan kode untuk memperbaiki sejarah yang dipalsukan di masa depan.
Bisakah mereka memecahkan misteri dalam batas waktu? Hubungan antar karakter
akan membuat Anda terpaku di kursi Anda. Acara hiburan larut malam TV TOKYO
yang unik, “Theatre of Darkness,” juga akan ditampilkan. Omnibus
horor baru ini menggunakan teknik seperti kolase foto, noise, dan gambar
animasi untuk menangkap imajinasi penonton, seperti pertunjukan gambar. Dunia yang
terdistorsi dari film seperti animasi flash ini pasti akan membuat Anda

TV TOKYO sangat bersemangat untuk membawa
pita hiburan Jepang yang kaya ke layar penonton Indonesia dan Malaysia. Jangan
lewatkan kesempatan luar biasa ini untuk menyelami dunia menarik J-Anime dan
Drama. Berlangganan TV TOKYO WW @tvtokyoww8950 di YouTube dan memulai
perjalanan penceritaan yang tak terlupakan.


This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

TV TOKYO Launches New YouTube Channel, Bringing J-Anime and Dramas to Indonesia and Malaysia

TV TOKYO Launches New YouTube Channel, Bringing J-Anime and Dramas to Indonesia and Malaysia

TV tokyo logo

TV TOKYO, one of Japan’s leading terrestrial broadcasters, is thrilled to announce the launch of its new YouTube channel dedicated to Japanese anime and dramas with Indonesian subtitles tailored for audiences in Indonesia and Malaysia. As part of its 60th anniversary celebrations in 2024, this initiative marks a significant step forward in the station’s history.

TV TOKYO, one of Japan’s leading terrestrial broadcasting stations, is excited to announce the launch of its new YouTube channel dedicated to Japanese anime and drama, with Indonesian subtitles exclusively tailored to the people of Indonesia and Malaysia. As TV TOKYO celebrates its upcoming 60th anniversary in 2024, this groundbreaking initiative marks a significant step forward in the station’s rich history.

With a commitment to providing top-notch entertainment, TV TOKYO’s YouTube channel, TV TOKYO WW @tvtokyoww8950, aims to cater to the growing demand for Japanese anime and drama content in Indonesia and Malaysia. By bridging the linguistic gap through Indonesian subtitles, the channel aims to bring the captivating world of J-anime and drama to Indonesian and Malaysian viewers like never before.

Expanding steadily month by month, TV TOKYO WW @tvtokyoww8950 will continuously add new titles and episodes to its lineup, providing Indonesian and Malaysian audiences with a diverse range of anime and drama offerings. Whether you are a seasoned fan or new to this vibrant genre, this is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Japanese storytelling.

Here is a small part of its lineup.

When it comes to TV TOKYO, animation is the name of the game.

First up is My Guardian Characters, which is about a girl named Amu who is the envy of the whole school because of her bossy attitude, but in reality, she is shy and lacks self-confidence. This is a
story about a girl who gets a magic egg and transforms herself into whatever she wants to be.

Squid Girl is very popular in Japan. The Squid Girl, tired of selfish people polluting the sea, goes to the extreme and destroys a beach house on land, but she is soon captured and forced to work as a servant.

In Skip Beat, the protagonist’s boyfriend, whom she has continued to support, betrays her when he is about to bud in the entertainment industry. She tries to become an idol herself in order to take revenge on him.

In Fairy Musketeers, a boy wanders into a mysterious fairy tale world and, with the help of the righteous Red Riding Hood, confronts evil incarnate such as Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella.

Finally, Tactics is a story about a traveling folklorist who is an exorcist by trade. With the help of powerful spirit beings, he unravels the mysteries of numerous psychic phenomena.

In drama, Brave Yoshihiko is a live-action adventure drama that recreates the world of the popular RPG Dragon Quest. While a mysterious plague is spreading, an earnest and pure young man, Yoshihiko (Takayuki Yamada), is chosen as a hero and sets out on a journey to save his village.

In Care to Listen?, former Nogizaka group member Marika Ito played the main character, who delivers a podcast with all her “likes” while eating fascinating chain restaurant gourmet food that “can be found in every town, nothing special but you can’t help but want it.”

Toho Cinderella Riko Fukumoto (Rico) stars in Escape From The History Maze as her first terrestrial serial drama. It is a new type of sci-fi comedy in which a girly and silly high school girl goes back in time and solves a code in order to correct a falsified history in the future. Can they solve the mystery within the time limit? The relationships between the characters will keep you on the edge of your seat.

TV TOKYO’s late-night entertainment show with a unique edge, Theatre of Darkness, will also be shown in part. This new horror omnibus of short films uses techniques such as photo collage, noise,
and animated images to capture the viewer’s imagination, much like a picture-story show. The distorted world of this flash animation-like film is sure to make you addicted to it.

TV TOKYO is thrilled to bring the rich tapestry of Japanese entertainment to the screens of Indonesian and Malaysian viewers. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to delve into the enchanting realm of J-Anime and Drama. Subscribe to TV TOKYO WW @tvtokyoww8950 on YouTube and embark on an unforgettable journey of storytelling.

Discover TV TOKYO WW @tvtokyoww8950:


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ASEAN Foundation Launches Digital Literacy E-Learning Platform

ASEAN Foundation Launches Digital Literacy E-Learning Platform is unveiled on Global Media and Information Literacy Week and is part of ongoing efforts to empower communities, including those in the Singapore Regional Impact Forum. It also celebrates the achievements and impact of its two-year ASEAN-wide program.

BALI  – The ASEAN Digital Literacy Programme (DLP), a collaboration between the ASEAN Foundation and, Google’s philanthropic arm, unveiled its e-learning platform, at its Impact Forum today.

The platform, part of the ASEAN DLP’s commitment to advancing digital literacy across the region, focuses on inclusivity and accessibility, providing essential tools to support individuals with disabilities on their learning journey.

The ASEAN DLP Impact Forum, which was hosted in Bali from 14 to 16 November 2023 on Global Media and Information Literacy Week, was themed “Navigating Digital Resilience: Empowering ASEAN Communities through Digital Literacy”.

It spotlighted the achievements as well as the impact of the two-year program in ten ASEAN member states, which included Singapore, while bringing together local partners and stakeholders with representatives of the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN Foundation as well as to discuss various key digital literacy topics.

The aim of the forum was to raise awareness about digital literacy, foster collaboration among stakeholders, and equip participants with the necessary tools and strategies to promote digital inclusion and address digital challenges in the ASEAN region.

Over the course of two years, the ASEAN DLP, in partnership with 15 local implementing organizations, conducted 61 Training of Trainers sessions involving 1,451 Master Trainers across the region. Through this, the program has reached 193,955 individuals through 2,647 digital literacy workshops, exceeding its initial goal of reaching 100,000 people within two years.

Additionally, the ASEAN Youth Advisory Group (YAG), which operates under the ASEAN DLP and comprises selected youth from ten ASEAN countries, has conducted 12 impactful online and on-site digital literacy campaigns across the region. This has directly benefited 3,881 individuals and achieved a combined social media reach of over 930,000 people.

Dr. Piti Srisangnam

Executive Director of ASEAN Foundation Dr. Piti Srisangnam shared impact report of ASEAN DLP in the impact forum held in bali, indonesia, nov 14

Executive Director of the ASEAN Foundation, Dr Piti Srisangnam, said, “We are delighted with the inroads we have made in Singapore through DoubleCheck, our campaign with ASEAN Youth Advisory Group (YAG), to educate pre-teens and teens. Over the past two years, the work through our implementation partner, Bamboo Builders, has also empowered a new generation of Master Trainers to train new communities and future agents of change.”

“The achievement of ASEAN DLP is a collective accomplishment involving the active participation and dedication of all stakeholders. Having a shared purpose of creating a safer digital space has brought us one step closer to the vision of developing a digitally inclusive Southeast Asia,” he adds.

In Singapore, the programme has trained 50 Master Trainers and 3,098 participants, working alongside Bamboo Builders as a local implementing partner to record significant awareness and active participation among Singaporean youth in the fight against misinformation and disinformation.

Founder of Bamboo Builders Gabriel Tan said, “We are proud to be part of ASEAN DLP in building safer digital spaces. In just a few months, we have trained more than 2,500 beneficiaries, including in-mates from Singapore prison, persons with disabilities, domestic and migrant workers, with digital literacy skills. They will be the agents of change, amplifying digital literacy awareness in their community.”

Along with capacity building, the DoubleCheck campaign aimed to enhance digital literacy among tweens and teens on misinformation and disinformation using a fun edutainment approach. It was spearheaded by Singaporean ASEAN YAG members, Joanne Tan and Esther David.

ASEAN DLP launch

the launch of e-learning digital literacy platform digital class asean at asean dlp impact forum in bali, indonesia, nov 14

Lead for APAC, Marija Ralic said, “The ASEAN Foundation’s Digital Literacy Programme has achieved remarkable results and also touched lives, sparking positive change across Southeast Asia. The commitment, dedication, and passion demonstrated by all participants, trainers, and organisations is truly inspiring and we are proud to support this initiative through As we continue on our journey toward a safer internet, let us draw inspiration from these stories of transformation and empowerment.” is supporting the ASEAN Foundation with a US$1.5 million grant to aid the implementation of the ASEAN DLP from 2022 to 2024.

Meanwhile the platform, which was unveiled at the forum, has five core modules covering key aspects of digital literacy -digital citizenship, media, and information literacy, addressing misinformation and disinformation, promoting positive online behaviour, as well as tackling special topics like social media etiquette, digital parenting, and online scam prevention.

These modules were developed through collaboration between the ASEAN Foundation and the Break the Fake Movement, a fact-checking organisation based in the Philippines. They are available in eight ASEAN local languages: Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Khmer, Tagalog, Thai, Lao, Burmese, and Vietnamese. Upon completing all modules, learners will receive a downloadable certificate of achievement.


middle Mr. Tham Borg Tsien Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Singapore to ASEAN handed over token appreciation for ASEAN DLP local collaborators from Singapore

ASEAN DLP’s mission in combating misinformation and disinformation through digital literacy is in alignment with UNESCO’s theme for this year’s Global Media and Information Literacy Week, “Media and Information Literacy in Digital Spaces: A Collective Global Agenda.”

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