How to get an LOA from Medicard from 2021 onwards

How to get an LOA from Medicard from 2021 onwards

I posted an article on how to get fast online approval for laboratory tests with MediCard in 2016 and since then (and especially when this pandemic started) I have been deluged by inquiries on a daily basis.  I usually just redirect all inquiries to the Medicard website but the inquiries just won’t stop!  Here is why:

Medicard website 2021

As you can see the MediCard Online LOA tab that was indicated before is missing.  I tried going into the button marked “I’m a Medicard Member” thinking the link must be there but to no avail. I clicked everywhere I possibly could and was met with zilch.  I’m not a Medicard member and I was getting frustrated!

Why couldn’t Medicard just put the link right there?

I thought about it and I came up with the following possible answers:

  1. Because of the pandemic, people were panicking so they were getting LOA requests left and right for RT-PCR tests and antigen tests … more than they could handle
  2. They wanted their members to use the MACE app, available on the Appstore and Googleplay.
  3. They wanted their members to visit their social media accounts, such as the one on Facebook.

How do I request an LOA then?

I did a quick Google search using the keywords “Medicard LOA request” which led me to several infographics by Medicard on the topic.  The most recent one is posted on September 24, 2021.

That infographic has ALL the information you will need TO DATE until a new one is issued. In a nutshell, you have two options: email or call directly.

So, to everyone who wants to know how to get a Medicard LOA, there’s your answer. If they stop working, do let me know and I will help you dig up the information again. In the meantime, stay healthy!

Limited offer for Medicard Rxer

Limited offer for Medicard Rxer

rxer discount through ecpayCan’t get enough of the recent 3-Day Flash Sale for RxER? Grab this second chance to give the gift of health!

Get 1 RxER for only P1,500 (original price P1,998) when you apply online on December 8 to 10, 2017 and pay at any 7-Eleven and other ECPAY merchants nationwide. Please see list of 7-11 branches and EC Pay merchants by clicking this link:

Designed to give members utmost value and convenience, the RxER offers a new and specialized health care maintenance service that covers emergency, preventive and outpatient care. Best of all, there’s no age limit, no medical check-up required and there’s no hierarchy to be followed.

Patients requiring care for emergency trauma cases in MediCard-accredited hospitals will have an overall limit of P20,000. In addition, emergency care charges include an ER fee, professional fees and emergency medications directly related to the illness for the following cases, subject to conditions under exclusion: trauma cases within 6 hours from the time of the incident; burns; animal bites and accidental chemical poisoning.

Members can avail of emergency services for the above mentioned cases more than once as long as the limit is not yet consumed and the incident happened within 6 hours.

Outpatient services are availed in all MediCard free-standing clinics (FSC) and UROIC. Members can enjoy unlimited free consultations with primary care physicians and some specialists at FSC such as general surgeon, obstetrician gynecologist (for non maternity related cases), pediatrician, family medicine, general practitioner and general internist.

Moreover, members are eligible to enjoy a flat rate of P350.00 for consultations with other specialists and 30% discounts on the following procedure done at MediCard free-standing clinics: all laboratory and diagnostic tests, surgeries, and dental procedures. Dental consultations are free including a one-time prophylaxis.

In addition, members also get financial assistance of up to P50,000 for accidental death and disability.

Membership for this 3-day flash sale is only P1,500.00 per person, who will enjoy no provisions for hierarchy, status and family relationships. This membership is already good for one year.

Just fill-out the online application form and pay for the corresponding amount at 7-11 and any EC pay merchant. Please click this link to see the list of 7-11 branches and ECPAY merchants:

Once validated, you will receive your RXER virtual card via e-mail in 5 to 7 working days. Payment should be made within the promo period only.

To know more about the RxER, call our Customer Care Hotline at 884-9999 or email in*****@me***********.com.

Don’t forget to view Terms and Conditions here.

Buy 1, take 1 for Medicard RxER until Dec 3

Buy 1, take 1 for Medicard RxER until Dec 3

This Christmas, MediCard, a leading health maintenance organization (HMO), gives the best value proposition for better health for you and a loved one for 2018!

b1t1 medicard rxerFrom December 1 to 3, you can buy 2 Medicard RxER cards for the price of 1! With this offer, you can avail of RxER for only P1, 998 and get second RxER card for free!

RxER is a specialized healthcare maintenance plan that covers emergencies for trauma cases, and preventive and outpatient care. It’s the perfect gift of health that you can give to friends and loved ones this Christmas.

RxER cardholders enjoy unlimited free consultations with primary care physicians and specialists, such as general surgeon, obstetrician gynecologist, and pediatrician, among others. Another benefit is a flat rate of P350.00 for consultations with other specialists and 30% discounts on laboratory and dental procedures at MediCard free-standing clinics.

Trauma patients will have a limit of P20,000 in MediCard-accredited hospitals, and an inclusive of ER fee for emergency care; professional fees and emergency medications related to trauma cases within 6 hours from the time the of incident; burns; animal bites and accidental chemical poisoning. A P5,000 limit is set for CT scan and MRI procedures.

Tetanus toxoid, anti-tetanus serum and active immunization for anti-rabies are covered, as well as ordinary casting and splint. These benefits are subject to emergency care limit. Members can avail of emergency services more than once as long as the limit is not yet reached and the incident happened within 6 hours of admission to the hospital.

Members get financial assistance of up to P50,000 for accidental death or disability.

Medicard logoThis membership is good for one year.  There is no age limit, no medical check-up required, and no “hierarchy” to follow.

To avail to this offer, just fill out the application form available at any free-standing MediCard clinics, pay for the corresponding amount, and get your card.

Check out the list of MediCard free-standing clinics at  To know more about the RxER, call Customer Care Hotline at 884-9999 or email in*****@me***********.com.

The good and the bad about cholesterol

The good and the bad about cholesterol

Most people fear cholesterol, believing it is all bad. But new studies found that people actually need some cholesterol to be healthy.

Dr. Nicky Montoya, Medicard President

MediCard president and CEO Dr. Nicky Montoya says, “People cannot live without cholesterol. Health risks increase when there are worse than good cholesterol in the body.”

Good and bad cholesterol

Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance produced by the liver. The body transports cholesterol from the liver by coating it with a water-soluble “bubble” of a protein called lipoproteins.

cholesterolLow-density lipoproteins (LDLs) carry cholesterol to the tissues. This is the “bad” cholesterol. High LDL levels are linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) carry excess cholesterol back to the liver, which processes and excretes it. The more HDLs, “good” cholesterol, the body has, the lower the risk of heart disease.

Do we need cholesterol in our bodies?

Contrary to what many people think, the body actually needs a good amount of cholesterol to function properly.  The liver produces about a thousand milligrams of cholesterol per day, the exact amount the body needs.

Cholesterol is essential for cell structure, healthy brain development, as well as to produce hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and adrenal hormones. It also boosts metabolism because cholesterol helps the body produce vitamin D. Cholesterol produces bile acids that help the body digest fat and absorb essential nutrients.

Dr. Montoya says, “A healthy HDL level may protect against heart attack and stroke. The more HDL you have, the lower your risk for developing heart disease.”  Too much LDL, on the other hand, cause fatty buildups or plaques that narrow arteries, raising the risk for heart attack and stroke.

stages of atherosclerosisToo high LDL levels can cause atherosclerosis, a dangerous accumulation of cholesterol and other deposits on the walls of the arteries, reducing blood flow. That can lead to chest pain and heart attack if it occurs in the arteries of the heart and stroke if it occurs in the arteries of the brain.

A low cholesterol level can also cause health problems. “Some pregnant women with low total cholesterol are more likely to give birth prematurely and have babies with low birth weight. Low total cholesterol level has also been linked to cancer, hemorrhagic stroke, anxiety, and depression,” says Dr. Montoya. He recommends keeping the total cholesterol level under 200 mg/dl (milligrams per decilitre), about the average for adults.

What can you eat to stay healthy?

A normal cholesterol level can be maintained through a healthy lifestyle, the key to long life. High amounts of saturated fat, found in fatty meats, processed meats, junk foods, and baked goods like cakes, biscuits, and pastries, in the diet can increase cholesterol levels.

workoutLean meat and fish should be added to the diet at least twice a week.  Two and a half hours of workout each week can also help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Most importantly, Dr. Montoya advises against smoking as it damages the walls of the blood vessels resulting in the accumulation of fatty deposits.

He also recommends a regular cholesterol test, a blood test that measures the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. A cholesterol test is essential, especially if a person has a family history of high cholesterol levels or heart disease, is overweight, drinks alcohol frequently, smokes, has diabetes, kidney disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, or underactive thyroid gland. He suggests testing every five years beginning at age 20.

MedicardTo help people know their cholesterol levels, MediCard has free-standing clinics in key cities nationwide that offer blood cholesterol tests and consultations. Visit a MediCard clinic near you or check out their website,, for more information.

Vaccination myths and facts

Vaccination myths and facts

You may have completed your vaccinations when you were a child, but do you know that vaccines are not only for kids but for adults, too? Vaccines are among the most cost-effective health interventions available. They help ensure optimum health.

Dr. Nicky Montoya, Medicard President

Dr. Nicky Montoya, Medicard President

“Vaccines provide heightened protection against diseases, disabilities, and even death. They prepare the body to fight diseases without exposing the person to the symptoms. Many believe immunizations are for children only. But you are never too old to get vaccinated. Newer vaccines are being developed and booster shots may be necessary to maintain the efficacy of certain vaccines. Vaccination is important especially if you have a chronic disease, are pregnant, sexually active, or if your work requires you to travel to places where you can be exposed to different diseases,” says MediCard president and CEO Dr. Nicky Montoya.

MediCard, a leading HMO provider in the country, debunks some myths on vaccinations:

Myth: Vaccines are for children only.


Fact: Vaccines don’t offer lifetime immunity to diseases; they stimulate antibody production. Almost all vaccines wear off after 5-10 years. Getting vaccinated as an adult is just as important as getting it when you are young because you might be at risk for a new or different disease. The vaccinations you need are determined by factors such as age, lifestyle, health conditions, travel, and previous immunizations. To find out what vaccines you need, consult your doctor.

Myth: Vaccines are ineffective and harmful.

Fact: Vaccines are effective and safe. They go through comprehensive testing before they are approved for general use. They are also continuously monitored for safety and effectiveness. For those who worry that vaccines will cause serious side effects, Dr. Montoya says such cases are very rare. Normal reactions to vaccination include redness, pain, and swelling in the body part where the shot was given.

Myth: Vaccines weaken the immune system.

Fact: Vaccines actually strengthen the immune system and help fight diseases. Vaccines strengthen the immune system by safely introducing an antigen, a substance that triggers the production of antibodies needed to neutralize viruses and bacteria. Vaccines also stimulate defense mechanisms that provide protection against specific diseases. Fears that vaccines can overload the immune system are unfounded because a healthy person’s immune system can recognize and handle thousands of organisms at once.

Myth: Vaccinations are not needed if you live a healthy lifestyle.

push ups

Fact: Good hygiene, a balanced diet, and an active lifestyle can help prevent the spread of diseases, but you are still exposed to germs and viruses. This is why getting vaccinated is encouraged, even if you live a healthy lifestyle, as it provides a significant level of protection from diseases. Learn more about vaccinations. MediCard has several free-standing clinics located in key cities nationwide that offer consultations, tests, and vaccinations. Visit a MediCard clinic near you or check out their website at for more information.

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