How to get an LOA from Medicard from 2021 onwards

How to get an LOA from Medicard from 2021 onwards

I posted an article on how to get fast online approval for laboratory tests with MediCard in 2016 and since then (and especially when this pandemic started) I have been deluged by inquiries on a daily basis.  I usually just redirect all inquiries to the Medicard website but the inquiries just won’t stop!  Here is why:

Medicard website 2021

As you can see the MediCard Online LOA tab that was indicated before is missing.  I tried going into the button marked “I’m a Medicard Member” thinking the link must be there but to no avail. I clicked everywhere I possibly could and was met with zilch.  I’m not a Medicard member and I was getting frustrated!

Why couldn’t Medicard just put the link right there?

I thought about it and I came up with the following possible answers:

  1. Because of the pandemic, people were panicking so they were getting LOA requests left and right for RT-PCR tests and antigen tests … more than they could handle
  2. They wanted their members to use the MACE app, available on the Appstore and Googleplay.
  3. They wanted their members to visit their social media accounts, such as the one on Facebook.

How do I request an LOA then?

I did a quick Google search using the keywords “Medicard LOA request” which led me to several infographics by Medicard on the topic.  The most recent one is posted on September 24, 2021.

That infographic has ALL the information you will need TO DATE until a new one is issued. In a nutshell, you have two options: email or call directly.

So, to everyone who wants to know how to get a Medicard LOA, there’s your answer. If they stop working, do let me know and I will help you dig up the information again. In the meantime, stay healthy!

Fast online approval for laboratory tests with MediCard

Fast online approval for laboratory tests with MediCard

NOTE: This is an old article, pre-pandemic.  To find out how to get a letter of approval today (starting 2021) please visit the article on HOW TO GET AN LOA FROM MEDICARD FROM 2021 ONWARDS instead.

For some, part of having an HMO is securing a letter of approval (LOA) for laboratory tests requested by doctors to help them diagnose health problems accurately. These tests include blood tests, urinalysis, chest x-ray, among others.

What is a letter of approval (LOA)?

A letter of approval basically confirms that such tests are indeed part of a member’s HMO coverage and authorizes the diagnostic clinic to proceed with the requested tests. However, securing an LOA may mean going through a process that can be slow and inconvenient sometimes: A medical attendant gets your card, then calls the HMO provider to advise them of the laboratory test that needs to be done. After which, the patient waits for approval.

Medicard Online LOA

medicardNow, Medicard, a leading health maintenance organization in the Philippines, takes the hassle out of getting LOA as it introduces Medicard Online LOA — an online application that allows you to easily request a letter of approval for your laboratory and diagnostic tests in the comfort of your own home or straight from your mobile phone on the go.

Dr. Nicky Montoya

Dr. Nicky Montoya
President of Medicard Philippines

“MediCard constantly aspires to make quality healthcare accessible and more convenient for our members because we value their time. With innovations such as the Medicard Online LOA, we are able to eliminate a lengthy and time-consuming wait period to get your LOA since the online application allows quick user convenience,” said Dr. Nicky Montoya.

Steps in getting approval for laboratory tests

Getting an LOA for laboratory and diagnostic tests can be done in five easy steps.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the MediCard Online LOA tab.
  3. Fill out the online form with your MediCard ID number and upload a copy of your doctor’s request.
  4. Choose a MediCard free-standing clinic or any accredited clinic/hospital where you wish to avail of the test, and then your LOA and instructions will be sent via e-mail.
  5. Submit the LOA to the hospital together with a copy of your doctor’s request and a copy of the email.

medicard logoSave yourself the inconvenience of waiting or long procedures and prioritize your good health now with the MediCard Online LOA.

Issuance of the LOA and access to select providers are dependent on the existing plan and coverage.

For more information, call 884-9999 or visit

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