Promil’s Kite Day

Promil’s Kite Day

Today my daughter (Erika), granddaughter (Star), and I went out and did something different … we went to Burnham Green across from Luneta to make and fly a kite in an event sponsored by Promil.

First of all, Star LOVES pink so arriving at the venue and seeing all the pink banners, booths, blankets, she was ecstatic. ๐Ÿ™‚ ย Upon our arrival they gave Star a pink hat, attached a band on our wrist, and we took a short quiz to find out what Star’s gift is … it is spatial intelligence. ย She takes after me, lol!

Our day started with a hearty lunch courtesy of Promil. ย Star was particularly excited about the food container and spoon and fork set they were giving the kids. ย She immediately asked me if she could keep them or if we had to return them. ย Her eyes lit up when I told her they were hers to keep.

Promil lunch

Right now she is at that stage where she is a picky eater so feeding her is often a challenge. ย Of the food we were served she only ate the fish fillet and the pastry.

Design and make the kite

Designing the kite

Star loves to write and draw and the kite kit we were provided came with the kite material itself, 2 sticks, 2 crepe paper tails, a pen, oil pastels, and stickers. ย From the time we arrived she kept asking if we could start on the kite already because she really wanted to draw on the kite. ย It was a windy day so working on the kite was challenging. The material was very fragile and a slight wind would blow it up and away so my daughter and I did our best to hold it down while helping Star with her artwork.

Time to fly the kite!

Once we had put the kite together she couldn’t wait for fly the kite! ย This was her first time so I was curious how well she would take to the experience.

At first she was tentative, Star does not like to fail. But with encouragement and motivation, and help, she finally got the kite up in the air, woohoo! ย My daughter has never flown a kite herself so this was a new experience for her as well.

Thank you, Promil, for sponsoring this fun event! ย  Despite the momentary rain and the subsequent mud my gifted grandchild had a lot of fun.

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