3 July 2024


Living loving learning

Snow and the Seven Men by Nicole Casey

3 min read

When I picked up Snow and the Seven Men by Nicole Casey on KU it was out of curiosity about how the parallelisms with the fairytale will be executed. Snow White became Sasha Snow, the beautiful and smart lead character of the story. The Evil Queen became Amanda Queenie, the malevolent boss lady who hates Sasha Snow for no apparent reason. The huntsman became Hunter, the handsome and friendly co-worker.

The 7 dwarves became the 7 drillers of Seven Drawers Inc. Dan (Doc), Graham (Grumpy), Bash (Bashful), Harry (Happy), Seth (Sleepy), Jim, and Stevie. I think Stevie is supposed to be Dopey but there is nothing Sneezy about Jim. The personality matches are not exact but close enough to be recognizable. Dan is a medic, Graham is Mr. Doom and Gloom, Bash is shy, and Seth is always sleeping or asleep. This is no Prince Charming in this story because that role went to the 7 men.

The seven are unattached and it is for a curious reason … they have a pact that they will only be involved with a woman if she is willing to be involved with ALL of them at the same time. For most women, this would be difficult to swallow (pun intended). So when they come home to find an unconscious and obviously injured woman asleep in their bedroom you can just imagine their mixed emotions.

In real life, reverse harems are not socially acceptable in most societies so it is surprising how quickly Sasha embraced the thought of being with them. But then, I suppose the fact that she finds herself sexually drawn to all of them did not make that decision difficult.

It’s not all butterflies and rainbows for Sasha Snow. This story has its share of intrigue, conflict, and heightened sexual tension. “The seduction of Sasha” was especially fun, especially the Magic Mike routine. fans self

I found this story enjoyable and loved the HEA. I have no regrets about picking up this book. Snow and the Seven Men by Nicole Casey is on Amazon for 3.99 but free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription.

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