I downloaded Beauty and her Beasts by Lisa Cullen with Kindle Unlimited a couple of months ago more out of curiosity than anything else. First, I’ve never read anything from Lisa Cullen before, and second, I was curious if she would successfully execute the anticipated menage scene.

I don’t hate this story, but I don’t love it either. There are just too many inconsistencies that make my teeth hurt. The story tells us that Allana is a college graduate of a business course. She goes to a bar later for drinks with a couple of professors she had in college whom she became friends with. This tells me that the setting is the present day. However, she gets picked up by a CARRIAGE and their source of light is CANDLES. So this puts the setting in the past, pre-electricity.

Her three men are King, the one-armed lion shifter who owns the castle-turned-hotel, Gunnar the bear shifter who runs the kitchen, and Declan the half-wolf shifter who is the groundskeeper.

Upon meeting each one she gets instantly aroused and her first thought is to jump their bones. This is very forward-thinking and puts the timeline to the present … again. She was hired to be the hotel’s manager, which was considered a man’s job … present day, yet again.

Add to that all the incorrect word usage … surmised instead of summarized, flench instead flinch, smitten instead of smited … and those are just 3 words. Believe me, there are more.

And can I also say, how irresponsible for all three men to each just come inside her with no protection? Is pregnancy not something they have to worry about?

This could qualify as a reverse harem in that she finds herself involved with three men but never at the same time with more than one until the last chapter of the story where she finally gets to be with all three. A few seconds of foreplay is, apparently all they need before each man finds a hole and fills it to the sound of her moans and groans.

Beauty and her Beasts by Lisa Cullen is available on Amazon with KU but if you want to buy it, it costs 2.99. I’d recommend reading it on KU.

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