3 July 2024


Living loving learning

Rise to Ultimate Power: The Great Awesome Power System by Strange Pen

4 min read

I don’t know how it happened but Rise to Ultimate Power: The Great Awesome Power System by Strange Pen was recommended to me by Goodnovel and out of curiosity I opened it and started reading. It isn’t the usual kind of story I read on Goodnovel but when I checked “About the Book” I saw that it was just 74 chapters (so far) so decided to give it a shot.

Quick backgrounder, Harvey is poor and because of it, his peers ridicule him and his girlfriend dumped him for her ex who had more money than he. Not too long after he hears a voice in his head that tells him he has a windfall of several million and it tells him to complete tasks to receive rewards.

This voice in his head is called The System. How it got in his head is not explained. The way The System seems to work is through a rewards system where he does tasks and is given different things. Sometimes it is more money, company shares, and even skills he never had before. It almost gives me that Matrix feel, without having to choose between the red or blue pill.

So far I am 19 chapters in and all he has done is good. He helped his family and the police. I’m invested in the story because I’m curious about just how much he will level up. A love interest would be incidental, as far as I am concerned.

It is not a romance. At least, it hasn’t been 19 chapters in. I would probably classify it as a “coming of age” kinda story even though Goodnovel classified it as “system”.

Here I am posting this review and, of course, I intend to share the link to the story on Goodnovel where I am reading it. The funny thing is … when I try to search for the book using the search feature it says the book does not exist! It is already in my library but it is not searchable. Also, for some reason, the book is currently being promoted.

This does not compute. How am I reading the book and where is my payment going if it does not exist?

If you are unable to find the book on Goodnovel, you can also read it on Meganovel. Interestingly, when I opened the book cover on Meganovel on another tab, the favicon indicates that it is pointing to an image hosted in the Goodnovel server. Are Goodnovel and Meganovel related perhaps? Curiouser and curiouser!

Side comment/s:

  • I find the title very juvenile. the first part made sense, but the second part … it made me think that the author is probably a teenager
  • The book cover is also very juvenile and does not really match the way the character is portrayed in the story. It is hard to believe that that boy on the cover is 19.
  • The author cannot make up his/her/their mind if the main character’s name is Harvey or Melvin. Sometimes his last name is Weinstein and other times it is Reed.
  • The author keeps messing up his/her/their pronouns.
  • Often the author uses a term that does not make sense, but probably closely resembles the word he/she/they want to use. As the reader, you should be able to grasp it in context.
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