Sex Life Tips by Donna Prince

Sex Life Tips by Donna Prince

Sex Life Tips by Donna Prince is game-changing. In 4 books, she is able to give me so many ideas on how to write love scenes better! In my personal opinion, anyone who wants to venture into writing romance stories or erotica stories specifically needs to get their hands on this book, especially if they do not have that much sexual experience.

I’ve noticed a lot of new writers just tend to imitate what they read from other stories but it doesn’t always work. There are often even positional problems with menage sequences.

Whether it is seduction, execution of certain pleasure practices, BDSM, dirty talk, sex games, role-playing, etc., or even self-pleasure, this 4-in-1 book has something for everyone.

Learning about the 9 types of seducers and figuring out which one I am was intriguing and I found myself imagining how future characters I would write would behave. While this book is called Sex Life Tips, it is actually more of an empowering book and, possibly a manual for some.

If you decide to buy Sex Life Tips by Donna Prince on Amazon it costs 5.99 but is free with a Kindle Unlimited account. In my opinion, it is worth every me. (Penny, get it?)

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